Another shooting

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The officers that waited outside that school, whilst infant children were being slaughtered, were armed to the teeth.

The first time I had any interaction with you was the day after my Cousins children's school was was attacked by a gun man. All you was interested in was picking me up on something and wanting an argument.

That's just what you do.
The gunmakers produce a scaled down AR15 called a JR15 so that kiddy winks can have the same gun as mom and dad.

Suppose it teaches gun safety at an early age. It sounds like McDonalds when it came out that they found that once they had them young they had them for life.
There's a tiresome amount of ignorance in the Uk about US gun laws and their effects. Go look for yourself, but a couple of points:
In California, one of the tightest states, you can't go and buy whatever gun you like, and then you can't take any out of the house without permits etc. 21+ not 18+.
Effect: Gun deaths in Ca are around half the average state pro rata/popn, and a third of the max (Alaska).
Currently you can't own an AR in Ca, but that's been challenged and is currently under appeal. Gun deaths are rising fast (+40ish% in a year iirc) in Ca (without any legislation change, iigir).

You can have say a pistol in your home, and I'm sure I'd have a couple.

Gun deaths in schools are a small proportion of the total, but emotive, so yes I'd support someone (or two) appointed in a school having a secured short and long -for use only by trained people.

A school I know of here, has tightened up a lot in the last 2 years. Back along, there was a door left open all day. There are controlled-only entries, and more cameras now.

I was at a practice by the Kenya wildlife service; in return for a donation I had a go with an AK74. Jumpy on full auto. "Only for noise" they said.
At 400yds from the ground on single I could hit a "crouching man" most of the time. They weren't all that much better than me.:oops:
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Currently you can't own an AR in Ca,
From what I read you can own an AR etc there but only via a special certificate - which they hardly ever issue, maybe not at all. It wasn't entirely clear.

You can have say a pistol in your home, and I'm sure I'd have a couple.
I've been meaning to look into handgun against rifle deaths in the US. I suspect it might prove "interesting" This is why

148 hand against 58 rifles. That's from 1982 to 2022. Mass shootings. The solution seems to be everybody carry a handgun, unless people go shopping with rifle and sling over their shoulder. When it comes to murder the handguns may well figure even more.

Handguns that they allow to be sold are like the rifles - easy change magazine and someone can decide to carry loads of them. They are self loading as well.
At 400yds from the ground on single I could hit a "crouching man" most of the time
This can give an idea of accuracy with a rifle

Only thing is flags are needed to judge wind. A numbers of them spaced out as distance increases. This with NATO rounds which might be regarded as a moderate range sniper bullet. Puts some of the movies into perspective. NATO round as it was the standard round used by all. More hitting power than what is used these days - or so i have heard.

LOL Link corrected
The officers that waited outside that school, whilst infant children were being slaughtered, were armed to the teeth.

The "officers" were too busy tasering parents and restraining them. One of the lieutenants said on CNN they didn't go into to the school because "They could've been shot. They could've been killed"

No wonder americans are buying even more guns now.

"Before the assault on the shooter, a group of 19 law enforcement officers stood in a hallway outside the classroom and took no action as they waited for room keys and tactical equipment, a state official said at a news conference."
The first time I had any interaction with you was the day after my Cousins children's school was was attacked by a gun man. All you was interested in was picking me up on something and wanting an argument.

That's just what you do.
My post about my cousin and her eldest daughter who were at the school the day before. 2018

Norstals response

So I wrote that my cousin was at the school the day before the shooting. Looking around with her husband and daughter for the new year ahead.

They spoke to one of the PE teachers who was murdered the next day trying to protect his pupils.

And you made lite of it. I suppose you thought I was making it up... I don't recall much correspondence with you before this post.
Read the thread you linked not just the bits that suit your context.

It is what it is for anybody to flick back and see how flippant you were.

This was my Cousin and her eldest daughter I was talking about. I said

"As far as I know not a Jewish school but a few of the dead were Jews. They were mainly Kids. They stood no chance."

Your response was ; "Often found in schools."

Just proves what a clock you are.
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