Anti vaxers will be feeling smug

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Are the antivaxx morons scared of all vaccines? I've had three perhaps four flu jabs. All good.(y)
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That's ok, I don't believe you most of the time anyway.
You took the first two, had a week in Benidorm and like most of the population haven’t bothered with the boosters.
You took the first two, had a week in Benidorm and like most of the population haven’t bothered with the boosters.
Think whatever you like, it's a free country.
The original claim was that the vaccines stopped you getting Covid and you only needed two shots. This then changed to:
- it doesn't stop you getting Covid but stops you passing it on
- It doesn't stop you passing it on either
- You now need 3 shots
- You now need 4 shots
- You now need to continue having shots
Full of lies, you'll fit in well here.
As xd400 has put it that is exactly how it played out.
its childish nonsense, as you well know

under 65s arent offered the covid vaccine -thats a fact
takethat shovel out the hole and whack yourself around the back of your head it might knock some sense into you
Most of those eligible have had the booster jab. Try again.
That’s nonsense. I know a lot of people and the majority took 2 jabs for travel. The restrictions ended and they took no more jabs.

It’s that simple
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