Are Poles Better Builders?

If the mainstream parties don't tackle the obvious problem of economic migration then the politically extreme parties will pick up votes from voters who feel disenfranchised votes and end up in power. They've got to grasp the nettle - and do it soon.
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This is a direct consequence of being a member of the EU. However, you can ,if you want, live and work in any other member country of your choosing.

If you have four wealthy people and about twelve who are poor and they all pool their wealth then the rich will become poorer to make the poor become richer. Well it works just the same with countries - and we'll all become poorer for it. Thanks Labout/Tories/Liberals. Let's get out of Europe NOW.
joe-90 said:
If the mainstream parties don't tackle the obvious problem of economic migration then the politically extreme parties will pick up votes from voters who feel disenfranchised votes and end up in power.
Assuming that you think there's a risk of the likes of the BNP coming to power, I think this particular prophesy of yours is rather far-fetched.
And Hitler was once considered a joke.

What do they say about history's lessons?
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joe-90 said:
And Hitler was once considered a joke.

What do they say about history's lessons?
They say that six million dead Jews can't be wrong.
that's great

Only problem I can see, you'll want to go somewhere your political views are shared and you'll be made welcome

But as an immigrant, people like you won't welcome you.
that's great

Only problem I can see, you'll want to go somewhere your political views are shared and you'll be made welcome

But as an immigrant, people like you won't welcome you.

And I wouldn't expect them to, but money talks.
As long as you're happy with the kind of welcome that respects only money...
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