Are Poles Better Builders?

Joe, you don't like first-generation immigrants, like the duke of Edinburgh or Madonna, but are you OK with the second generation, like for example Michael Howard or Francis Rossi?

What about Lord Taylor of Warwick?
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Okay, proportional representation it's not but the party with the most seats gets elected ... It may not be perfect but it's our political system.
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Okay, proportional representation it's not but the party with the most seats gets elected ... It may not be perfect but it's our political system

Its not even close to proportional representation.
Last election labour got approx 33% of votes cast and got almost 60%of seats.
No wonder they want to hang on to the current system.
All incumbent parties will hang on to the current system ... That's why its never been amended :LOL:
In my opinion we have too many people in this country. The so-called economic boom is turning to economic bust.

If we can't do what we have to do with 60 million people - then we can do without.

We have no industry. We export nothing. The reason the Poles are here is that we are obsessed with improving our houses because every time the price goes up - we get richer!

It's politics of the asylum (literally).

I'm still waiting for someone to explain why it is a good idea to import a million Poles. All they do is put a strain on the infrastructure but add virtually nothing to the economy (in real terms).
And they bring other problems too:

“our society is fracturing. The pace of change over the past few years has unsettled many and caused people to retreat into and reinforce narrower ethnic and religious ties”.

Not my words - but the Commission for Racial Equality.

Or shall we use the governments own figures?

The government's own figures show that foreign immigrants are arriving at 1,300 a day and leaving at only 500 a day. The net inflow under Labour has been two million and immigration will now add a further one million to our population every five years. In practical terms, we will have to build
200 houses every day of the week for the next 20 years just to house new immigrants.

It's just sheer madness.
Make sure your views are reflected at the next election ... The only place it can make a difference ;)
Make sure your views are reflected at the next election ... The only place it can make a difference ;)

We have a system whereby political parties need the ethnic vote to gain office. Which is why all parties fawn and pander to ethnic minorities. So voting makes no difference. What we need is revolution.
joe-90 said:
I'm still waiting for someone to explain why it is a good idea to import a million Poles.
Joe, the way you write this makes it seem as though you think it was an aim, or an idea, that someone proceeded to implement.

It wasn't. It's the natural outcome of not taking any action. That's the problem.

It's just sheer madness.
That's a bit extreme. It may be folly to procrastinate, but describing it as madness just alienates people to your way of thinking, even when you're right.

megawatt said:
Make sure your views are reflected at the next election ... The only place it can make a difference
Not so - you can act now, here.
I'm always right - and blindly following a course that will ultimately lead to disaster IS madness.
Maybe the true-born Picts would be much better off without those Celts, Romans, Bretons, Irish, Vikings, Saxons, Normans, Hugenots, Jews, Danes, Angles, German kings, Greek Princes and others who've been coming to our country and taking our jobs for the last two thousand years.

We didn't want that last bunch of Poles who came over in 1940 and laid down their lives in the Battle of Britain either.

Who here has taken a Racial Purity test and can prove an absence of Immigrant DNA?

Most of the above list came without invitation!
Mine is not a personal problem with any individual.It is an infrastructure problem - as others have said our small island is already bursting at the seems as any bank holiday traffic queue, NHS waiting list etc will show.

Maybe we have welcomed people in the past for whatever reason, but the time has maybe come to say enough is enough.
Maybe I'm bigoted, maybe I'm a nationalist, maybe I'm a worrier - I don't know but tens of thousands every year for the forseeable future un-nerves me a little.
Not so - you can act now, here.
Admirable and correct but do you actually believe that this makes any real difference on issues like this Softus?
This is a direct consequence of being a member of the EU. However, you can ,if you want, live and work in any other member country of your choosing.
megawatt said:
Admirable and correct but do you actually believe that this makes any real difference on issues like this Softus?
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