Aren't they cute?

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Apart from being horribly out of focus?

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no, the stone block to the right of the pic, near the top, doesn't match the rest of the wall. And there are some kids in the way.
Yup. Mine!

On the left is William,12.

In the middle, Matthew, 8.

On the right, Rowan 6.

Will's in Scouts, Matt's in Cubs and Ro's in Beavers.

John: they're always in the way! ;)
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Good job you didn't take they're photo in a shopping centre. ;) ;) ;)
Bonny lads by the look of them. You are right to be proud :)
Thanks, yes I'm very proud of them all.

With regard to the focus, apart from taking the picture again, is there anything I can do to clear it a little? Photoshop?
Window photo gallery has a few easy quick fixes that might work

Lovely pic by the way you must be very proud :)

You can also crop it as ladylola says and cut out some of that wall.
It may be possible to sharpen it up a little in photoshop, but I think that you know the best thing to do would be to reshoot it, and when you do try to get a bit tighter in to get rid of the expanse of boring wall and use a bit of fill in flash to put a bit more life into the shot as it's quite low contrast and the colours are a little muted. Maybe ask them all to stand up a bit straighter but other than that they seem decent kids really :D
should you post there picture on here?, you may well be proud of them, but on a forumn access to all, not the best place.
[quote="Diyisfun";p="2149670"]should you post there picture on here?, you may well be proud of them, but on a forumn access to all, not the best place.[/quote]

That is pathetic. What can be the harm, seriously?
[quote="Diyisfun";p="2149670"]should you post there picture on here?, you may well be proud of them, but on a forumn access to all, not the best place.

That is pathetic. What can be the harm, seriously?[/quote] I agree. To my knowledge Catholic priests don't frequent this site.
Nice boys names.

I can't help cringing when i hear some of the ridiculous names parents are giving their children these days. Don't they realise these poor sprogs have the rest of their lives to live with these bonkers monikers.

Don't you just love it though when a chavvy parent calls his/her child after a footballer or some X factor winner or pop star.

Pure class.
Which one's into beavers? They start young these days.;)

Great pic BTW, nice to see kids raised the right way.
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