At least Labour stick to their guns.

So you wont be voting for the Conservatives, since theyve claimed to be lowering taxes by £20b but conveniently forget to mention that their tax policy means an increase in tax/NI of £80b

Personally I want a tax free threshold of £15k, then I can take £20k per year out of my pension tax free.
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LOL The other type of interview. Starts at 2:58

So she prepares for an interview and all she can come up with us U Turns and resignations. Why the repetition? Simple she has a time slot to fill. She could have drawn out what they have decided to do. The why had been adequately answered. ;) Maybe Miliband should have asked her where she would get the money from given the budget that is available. Actually for similar reasons the aim was cut a while ago. All this type of reporting does is enhance the opposition's slogans. We get way too much of it and similar in many different areas.

The longer C4 report was informative, Interesting to note that due to various chancellor's tweaking the fiscal rules are gaining a new name that ends in doom. No party can do anything other than what is possible at the time when they do it. LOL Good that a party has pointed this out.
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