Autos have their advantages. When living in London I noticed that very few people had manuals in my area. And I have never been in a manual black-cab.
I think the reason manuals are still so popular here is because the Brits are renowned for being "sporty" drivers. Up until a couple of years ago (and possibly still now) the UK versions of cars would have a slightly different engine tune and differently set-up suspension to the continental versions. What do they do in America to reinforce a car's sporting heritage? They make it "stick-shift".
With an automatic, you don't get the same satisfaction when you knock it down a couple of gears and hurl yourself past the car in front. Yes you have kick-down, but it's not the same really, is it

I have only driven a couple of autos, but I felt like I wasn't in full control of driving. People I know with autos drive in a way that makes them appear to be barely in control. You are definitely right about knowing how to drive them properly.
Modern autos are meant to be pretty good, the torque convertors "lock" so you don't lose power to slippage whilst cruising along. There are plenty of diesel autos, the two are ideal partners as the diesel engine produces lots of torque, and the torque convertor, well, converts it

Seriously, pretty much any mainstream car from a Focus up to a BMW 5 series can be had as a diesel auto.