
No physio appointment yet but have started taking Tramodol only on bad days when at its worse, mostly in the morning. Take a couple of Solpadol two or three times a day.

Have got a bean bag for the microwave which is definitely helping.
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Wheat packs are deffo the best. Good luck, hope you get an appointment soon...!
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A breath of fresh air, will not cure the OP's back pain, or the back pain other members were, or are suffering from. It is, however, a breath of fresh air to read, not that other members have, or have had similar painful experiences, but that unlike many other threads, they can discuss those experiences in such an open and friendly way.
Forty years ago, I had really severe and recurring back pain which the consultant put down to fair wear and tear. 2 or 3 visits to a 'bone setter' proved that he was wrong and I have never experienced back pain since. I would be the first to admit that I was lucky - I have since read that some visitors to 'bone setters' did not fair so well.
I to have been on cocodamol for about 4 years, after several MRI scan,s i i,ve finally been accepted at preston neurological dept for surgery, i,ve also purchased an inversion table which has made a big difference in my back and neck.
Its amazing how crap the treatment has been for some people, I guess 90% of back pain is a muscle strain and therefore sending you away on pain killers for a few days until it improves fixes those 90%.