Best Mousetrap?

True story about mice. Donkeys years ago when I was an apprentice motor mechanic, some guy brought his car in to the garage complaining about a squeeking noise. There was a nest of them in his back seat. It took the mechanic hours to suss that one out, he'd stripped half the car out. :LOL:
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About 2 years ago a 55kw electric motor was brought in for repair from a 'High Profile' cereal manufacturer in Wrexham. As the fitter removed the fan cowl he pooped himself. There sitting on the rotor shaft behind the fan was a mouse. Nothing unusual as we sometimes found their carcases inside the covers. The thing was this one was sitting there cleaning its whiskers!! As I tried to get hold of it with my gloved hands it run and disappeared into the terminal box through a 20 mm hole. We eventually coaxed it out from under the terminal block with a piece of chocolate where I then grabbed it and took it outside to be released into the field. Cheeky sod had survived a 45 mile journey on the back of an open wagon with no tarpaulin over only to have to find a new home in Liverpool!!
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