Black Lives Matter Protests Today in UK

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Every mention of George Floyd on BBC news is preceded with the words "black man", e.g. protests were held today against the killing of black man George Floyd.

In my local paper, in crime reports, they used to tell you, in the description, if the criminal was black. They don't tell you that any more!

It is said that the BBC ended its "Crimewatch" programme because the wanted criminals were increasingly foreign, and the BBC were embarrassed about this as it didn't chime with their "Britons bad, foreigners good" scheme.
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Every mention of George Floyd on BBC news is preceded with the words "black man", e.g. protests were held today against the killing of black man George Floyd.

In my local paper, in crime reports, they used to tell you, in the description, if the criminal was black. They don't tell you that any more!

It is said that the BBC ended its "Crimewatch" programme because the wanted criminals were increasingly foreign, and the BBC were embarrassed about this as it didn't chime with their "Britons bad, foreigners good" scheme.
What a load of bollicks
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I think the Cummings scandal has been a game changer for a lot of people; my mother lives in a village where there is a lot of holiday homes, they have been very good keeping away throughout the lockdown, but within days after the Cummings story broke they started to appeared. I'm thinking if there is another outbreak in the next few weeks, I will be blaming Cummings (and the useless Boris) as much as the reckless blm protests.
Correct. All approved by the Prime Minister too.(y)
So.. BLM is actually about racism in general in every country, apparently
Precisely, festive.
If there was no racism, or even if it wasn't so institutionalised, so endemic, so systemic, so entrenched in society, there would be no need for protests.

Eradicate racism, (or even support the movement) thus no protests, simple.

So don't blame the protesters, blame those in society who perpetrate racism, who want to see it continue and perpetuated, (even subconsciously).

As noseall said several times, "how bad is it" in response to those that say , "it's not that bad".
When your parents, grandparents, warn you from a young age that you will suffer from racism, and you prepare yourself to have that conversation with your children, it is that bad.
When the structural inequalities in society, not only mean that BAME people are more likely to die, (not only from police brutality, but also from their poverty and position in society) they are more likely to end up in prison, in poverty, in squalor, in poor health, etc.
How bad does it need to be when centuries of perpetual racism has caused structural inequality in society.
It is that bad!
If you want to close your eyes to it, and pretend everything is OK, then structural inequality, based on skin colour will continue, and protests will continue. Unfortunately protests may occur at inopportune times, but racism is opportunistic and a scourge in and on society.

How about we all work together to solve the problem of racism in many many forms it's not just blacks that suffer noone should.
Quite right, let's all work together.
Accepting that there is a problem would be a good start, instead of denying it.
As Notch7 said, evidently, many thousands around the world, in many countries, and many cities in those countries, for multiple versions of racism, have come together to oppose racism.
Let's work together to eradicate it, challenge any instance of it, confront any proponent of it, in our personal and professional lives, then there are no need for protests.
I wonder just how many people will die of Covid because of those protests? I suppose we'll never know and it’ll never be mentioned but I can almost guarantee you one thing; of the numbers of Covid deaths that will be directly attributable to these protests, the majority will be from the BAME communities. Black lives matter? Apparently not.
Again i ask you, what sensible person would put themselves in harms way, to spite Cummings/BJ.....???????
The BAME community have been in 'harm's way' ever since they were born. They cannot eradicate racism on their own.
They see a movement, an opportunity to protest about their poverty, their inequality, their reduced life-chances.
Why shouldn't they take that opportunity. The proponents of racism take every opportunity to perpetuate racism.
Now that the people against racism are protesting, those that think there is no racism in society, are filled with horror.
I wonder just how many people will die of Covid because of those protests? I suppose we'll never know and it’ll never be mentioned but I can almost guarantee you one thing; of the numbers of Covid deaths that will be directly attributable to these protests, the majority will be from the BAME communities. Black lives matter? Apparently not.
Have you ever thought that sacrifices today, in order to provide an improved and more equal society in the future for their children, just might be worth the risk?
Obviously not!

When soldiers go to war, they hope that they will not be one of the many casualties, but they go anyway.

Systemic, institutionalised, entrenched racism costs lives.
I've never seen anyone complaining about that.
...those protests...

Who would have thought that people would object to random meaningless killings of their sons, daughters, fathers?

As you say, it's quite unreasonable and unexpected for anyone to protest at such a thing.
. Who would have thought that people would object to random meaningless killings of their sons, daughters, fathers? As you say, it's quite unreasonable and unexpected for anyone to protest at such a thing.
Even if others are going to die because of it? Nah!
Even if others are going to die because of it? Nah!
Others are going to die because of entrenched, systemic and institutionalised racism.
I say again, if there was no racism, there would be no protests against it.
Don't blame the protesters, blame the racists, and those that support, defend and ignore racism.
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