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You do spout some nonsense. Either that or you haven't read my post. Here it is again.

Please show the forum where I have apologised for crimes (he can't).
By turning attention away from the subject of the thread it is if you are trying to hide it as a non-event. By all means start another thread to discuss the important matters that you raise, i agree with you, but you should not try and hide this incident.
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I remember the steaming gangs from years ago. Its strange how certain ethnicities favour certain crimes. I won’t mention the nationality of those that favour pickpocketing again as it upset the usual apologists last time I did.

I'm not going digging.
Of course you're not, that would disprove your own allegations, and you wouldn't want to do that. :rolleyes:

But we all remember you defending the rights of the penniless George Floyd who held a gun to a pregnant woman's tummy and the same George Floyd you support the mega rich footballers bending the Knee for.
That did not happen during that incident, and the police would not have known that at the time.
Their duty is to arrest someone if possible. George Floyd was under arrest, in handcuffs, and defenceless at the time of his murder.

In addition your source of information is urban mythology:

No, this photo doesn’t show a woman George Floyd assaulted​


  • George Floyd was sentenced to five years in prison for his involvement in an armed robbery in 2007.
  • The woman robbed, Aracely Henriquez, was injured by another man, and there’s no evidence she was pregnant at the time of the incident.
  • Despite captions stating otherwise, a photo going around social media of a woman with bruises on her face is not Henriquez.

The article goes on to talk about those spreading misinformation:
In the wake of worldwide protests against police brutality following the death of George Floyd, some internet users are spreading misinformation about Floyd’s arrest record.
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By turning attention away from the subject of the thread it is if you are trying to hide it as a non-event. By all means start another thread to discuss the important matters that you raise, i agree with you, but you should not try and hide this incident.
This thread was started by a known racist with the express intention of stirring up racial tension, just like so many other threads before it.
And the suckers can't wait to get their anti-foreigner feelings heard. Just like this one:
I remember the steaming gangs from years ago. Its strange how certain ethnicities favour certain crimes. I won’t mention the nationality of those that favour pickpocketing again as it upset the usual apologists last time I did.
This thread was started by a known racist with the express intention of stirring up racial tension, just like so many other threads before it.
And the suckers can't wait to get their anti-foreigner feelings heard. Just like this one:
so desperate not to discuss the subject - why ?
so desperate not to discuss the subject - why ?
Quite happy to discuss most subjects, but when one item of news is highlighted with the specific intention of promoting racial tension, it doesn't deserve the attention that so many want to afford it. And you've already made your ridiculous contribution.
anyone seeing anything wrong here is clearly a racist
You appear to be unable to distinguish between concern for lawless behaviour and intentional stirring of racial tension.
It's just another exploited opportunity for a know racist to promote anti-foreigner sentiment.
Disgusting behaviour. Why do we always try to theorise these things away? That's why these issues don't get properly dealt with.

Someone on here said in another thread that we don't fully understand the concept of right/wrong until we're older, we follow our peers when younger etc. Some of that (the latter part) can of course be true. However I'd assert once you get into your teens, if not before, you're well aware of the right and wrong concepts. If you're not, then your parents sucked a bit ... oh wait, we're not allowed to blame parents for anything.

The idea of doing something like jumping over a shop counter to steal stuff when I was younger, or boldly walking into a shop to steal something and boldly walk out? These sort of things didn't even enter my mind but had they, I wouldn't have done them, because I broadly knew the concepts of right and wrong.

But oh no, let's not apportion any blame to those committing the crimes ... let's blame everyone else. Yes yes, of course there is correlation with some of this stuff and socioeconomic challenges, however that doesn't excuse most (any?) of the crimes we're seeing reported these days.
This thread was started by a known racist with the express intention of stirring up racial tension, just like so many other threads before it.
And the suckers can't wait to get their anti-foreigner feelings heard. Just like this one:
Most of the people jumping over the McDs counter were black were they not? Yes no doubt black British, but they were black. That's a fact. If 90% of them had been ginger, it would be fact to report that. If 90% of them had been obese it would have been fact to report that.

Why is it always being 'ist' to report facts?

I'd assert many of the boat people from France aren't fleeing anything significant. That doesn't mean I'm racist ... I'm stating an opinion on a situation.
Disgusting behaviour. Why do we always try to theorise these things away? That's why these issues don't get properly dealt with.

Someone on here said in another thread that we don't fully understand the concept of right/wrong until we're older, we follow our peers when younger etc. Some of that (the latter part) can of course be true. However I'd assert once you get into your teens, if not before, you're well aware of the right and wrong concepts. If you're not, then your parents sucked a bit ... oh wait, we're not allowed to blame parents for anything.

The idea of doing something like jumping over a shop counter to steal stuff when I was younger, or boldly walking into a shop to steal something and boldly walk out? These sort of things didn't even enter my mind but had they, I wouldn't have done them, because I broadly knew the concepts of right and wrong.

But oh no, let's not apportion any blame to those committing the crimes ... let's blame everyone else. Yes yes, of course there is correlation with some of this stuff and socioeconomic challenges, however that doesn't excuse most (any?) of the crimes we're seeing reported these days.
As I pointed out, the thread was started as click bait for those who tend toward anti-foreigner feelings.
ReganandCarter, the known racist had a racist post deleted yesterday. This was him pushing the boundaries to ferment anti-foreigner hatred again.
Please understand I don't mean to make light of the situation which I deplore. But if you watch the clip again, towards the end you see a McD's employee in the background cracking on with his job :) He's either oblivious to what's going on at the shop front or he's thinking 'these fries won't cook themselves!' #dedicated
Most of the people jumping over the McDs counter were black were they not? Yes no doubt black British, but they were black. That's a fact. If 90% of them had been ginger, it would be fact to report that. If 90% of them had been obese it would have been fact to report that.

Why is it always being 'ist' to report facts?
It isn't 'ist anything to report facts. But when certain events are highlighted simply because they involve foreigners, it becomes 'ist.

I'd assert many of the boat people from France aren't fleeing anything significant. That doesn't mean I'm racist ... I'm stating an opinion on a situation.
WTF does asylum seekers have to do with this?
Ah, of course it's just another exploited opportunity to vent anger at asylum seekers. Then it potentially becomes 'ist when you feel the need to exploit an unrelated issue to asylum seekers.
Please understand I don't mean to make light of the situation which I deplore.
Some will make light of the situation. It's supposed to be called humour.

poor starving people forced to feed themselves to stave off malnutrition

I'm not making light of the situation, I'm not excusing it. I am pointing out that many of us will have behaved similarly in our childhood (scrumping).
I am also commenting on the exploitation of clickbait events to stir up anti-foreigner sentiment. And so many suckers jump at the opportunity to participate. Some even seek to involve asylum seekers.
It isn't 'ist anything to report facts. But when certain events are highlighted simply because they involve foreigners, it becomes 'ist.

WTF does asylum seekers have to do with this?
Ah, of course it's just another exploited opportunity to vent anger at asylum seekers. Then it potentially becomes 'ist when you feel the need to exploit an unrelated issue to asylum seekers.
Come on, keep up, it's called correlation. It's perfectly valid for me to mention the boat people because I'm discussing how, when certain topics (e.g. the boat people) are brought up, if you mention anything negative about the situation or the people, you're labelled ist.

I could be wrong, I reckon if 90% of the folk that jumped over the McDs counter had been white, the media would still have reported it. Are you suggesting they wouldn't have?
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