Builders Removing Bricks

23 Aug 2015
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United Kingdom
Hiya Guys,

Any ideas why the builders on the site next to our house have removed random bricks from a (seemingly) finished wall?! (see attached photo) They took some bricks out on Thursday, then filled them in again... then took some more (different) bricks out on Friday, and have now left them out over the weekend...

Just curious really... have they bodged a job? - the house isn't going to fall down onto ours or anything, is it?! :)




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Could be something as simple as damaged bricks, that should have been thrown out by the bricklayer. There seems to be few more in that wall too. Wouldn't surprise me - they look like Londons.
A bad batch perhaps.? If someone reported faults with a particular batch they would have to check whether the problem was widespread within that batch, or just a one off, maybe?
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If one looks a the top right hand corner, the shading of the bricks are very different to the building,

Maybe someone has complained to the Building Inspector that the wrong type or Inferior bricks have been used, so random bricks would be removed for the Building Inspector to check on type or quality
Could be something as simple as damaged bricks, that should have been thrown out by the bricklayer. There seems to be few more in that wall too. Wouldn't surprise me - they look like Londons.
If that was done to my 60's bungalow there'd be no walls left
to be honest some of that work leaves a lot to be desired, why are there 3/4s and closers in the two courses under the soldiers, courses don't all look like they line through either side of the window, hence uneven beds.
Hiya Guys,

Thanks for all your replies and comments - apologies for taking ages to get back to you!

I asked the Foreman - they were damaged bricks which needed replacing. The entire estate is being built by the Council as "Rent to Buy"... so the shoddy workmanship seems par for the course! :)

We're furious - as it's being built right next door to our private estate (with twice as many houses as originally planned!) - but that's another story...


If the government forces councils to sell homes for less than they cost, I can see they might not invest in quality.

Time was when social housing was decent and solid because the developer (council) expected to be the long-term owner. Thatcher put a stop to that.
Surely the cheaper Social Housing is, the better?! - so more people can afford to live!... isn't that the point?!

I don't disagree with that - I just don't necessarily want 100 houses (crammed into a plot which was made for 50) next to door to me.

Can't please everyone though :)
Social housing is a fine idea.

But once it has been sold off at half-price, it ceases to be social housing and mostly enriches BTL landlords.
That's a fair comment - are you allowed to let-out a house bought on a Rent to Buy scheme though?... I wouldn't have thought the people who qualify for the mortgage would be in a position to be landlords? Don't you need a special "Buy to Let" mortgage? (and also somewhere else to live?!) :)

This might be slightly off topic now - but it's interesting :)
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