Bullfight called Off

Rogue, is there anyone there you can talk to?
Another fresh abuser enters the ring.
Oh dear, he's not even registering with his feeble attempts at abuse. :LOL: :LOL:

I'm not an abuser, your posts are coming across as a tad obsessive; I was just concerned for your welfare... I was going to offer a friendly ear. :(
I suspect that you're being a tad disingenuous.
Your offer and your attitude is abuse dressed up as a condescending and supercillious offer.
Therefore you are an abuser. A disingenuous, condescending and supercillious abuser.

Well, I'm sorry you think that and I'm disappointed that your default setting is one of abuse. I don't like to see people ganged-up on. With regards to my participation on the forum; I've explained this before.
Aaah, thank you for your concern. :rolleyes:
In the process you've managed to leave your comment.
Abuse dressed up as concern now. Whatever next? :rolleyes:
You'v been abusive before. Why should I expect any less this time?
Additionally, you've been disingenuous before. Why should I expect anything different this time? :rolleyes:

I've been abusive before but that was in response to your own abusive posting and it's on record should you choose to check.

I've no desire to abuse or upset anyone, I saw a thread that was, well, disturbing really; I did try to engage by posting a light-hearted comment but it was ignored so I thought I'd be more direct, I'm sorry you've chosen to interpret it as abuse and perhaps I should have tried a different tact/worded it differently.
Ok, if you prefer tactless as a description, go with that one.
Your comment was condescending and supercillious, based on your assumption that there was something or someone that was disturbed.
Yet you maintain that you weren't being abusive. :rolleyes:

If you could read this thread through the eyes of someone not involved then maybe you would find it a tad disturbing as well.
So, in your opinion, I need to talk to someone.
And you claim you're not being abusive. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Well I think you need someone to talk to, to explain to you what abusive behaviour looks like. :rolleyes:
The only disturbing thing I find is disingenuous posters pretending that they're not being abusive by dressing up their abuse under the pretence of concern.

With respect, you were continually posting without getting much response, I posted after you'd posted 4 times without response, granted, with the benefit of hindsight I should have posted differently but, in the absence of a PM facility (well I've not worked out how to anyway), I posted what I did with good intentions,

You can choose to believe whatever you like, to be honest, I wish I never bothered now,
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You can choose to believe whatever you like, to be honest, I wish I never bothered now,
At last, we can agree on something. I wish you'd never bothered as well. :LOL: :LOL:
Feeble attempts at insults. :LOL: :LOL:

Did you at least read all of the posts this time before making silly comments?
Especially the comment about me responding to all of the abusers and I could only deal with one response at at time. Hence the number of my posts that were consecutive.
Or did you miss that one and assume that I was talking to mystical posters? :rolleyes:
And so you came to the conclusion that there was something disturbing. :LOL: :LOL:
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Nine pages of abuse from more than half a dozen abusers against one poster.
Is that another record? :LOL: :LOL:
I think a wee dram of single malt, while watching the rest of the EU election results.

I'll say one thing for you, Norcon, The Irish make a splendid whiskey.
Connemara, is quite superb.

I spelt it right this time, micilin. ;)
Sorry to disappoint, just silly immature comments now (well, they have been all night), nothing worth responding to, and I could spend my time more profitably.
What happened? Is the alcohol affecting your faculties? :LOL: :LOL: If you ever had any. :LOL: :LOL:

I'll eat my left faculty if your still here next week. :LOL:

You've got banned written all over you. :D
Things don't change much do they:
Come on you Europhiles.

The problem with your challenge, joe, is that when someone disagrees with you and your fellow conspirators, you resort to insults and tirades of abuse. When that fails, you (and your fellow patriots) call for them to be bannished.

Eventually, your behaviour fails to generate any meaningful discussion, other than generating and justifying greater intolerance amongst your comrades.

So, other than the University of the Street, what are you macro-economic qualifications that allows you to arrive at such a simplistic solution.

Answer the question (he won't)
Dated 2012, then I was banned. :LOL: :LOL:
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