Cashless society ( pros and cons)

29 Jul 2011
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United Kingdom
The reason I ask ! I went to a local bar with a pal at the weekend and tried to pay for a couple of pints with a tenner, and I got a dirty look and was asked if I didn't have a card.
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There are various reasons why a lot of places don't take cash these days.
Some use Covid as the reason, (they don't need to touch your card and the keys can be sterilised after each use), no cash on the premises reduces the odds of burglary and also till theft by dishonest employees. If it's an outlet of a large company it can also prevent senior staff, (managers/accountants), from fraud/pilfering etc.
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I use my cards for absolutely everything, including online and all the regular bills are via DD. I only have a 5p coin in my pocket in the, way of cash, there was an awkward moment yesterday, when I was out and bought take away fish and chips - there card machine failed, because it was flat. Luckily, they bought out a spare one from the back room.
Use cash as much as you can people! Boycott any business that refuses cash. In a digital-money only society you have no privacy, the government owns you.
The end of cash will be a nail in the coffin of freedom.

I could say the use of cards gives you freedom - freedom not to carry any cash, less weight in your pockets, freedom from the risk of losing the cash or being robbed of it.
I rarely even carry my cards - I have our joint and my own debit cards, Monzo card, credit card and business visa in my phone wallet. Have all my store and loyalty cards on there too.
I rarely even carry my cards - I have our joint and my own debit cards, Monzo card, credit card and business visa in my phone wallet. Have all my store and loyalty cards on there too.

Likewise, why carry cards, when a phone is much more secure.
I am getting worried about the general apathy towards one of the two options to pay for thing disappearing as the other one then has total control!

Would you have been worried when battering changed to using cash?

The world has moved on to a better system, but you can still barter and swap goods, as well as pay cash.
Use cash as much as you can people! Boycott any business that refuses cash.
Drug dealers dont refuse cash. In fact they insist on it. So they wont get boycotted.

In a digital-money only society you have no privacy, the government owns you.
You also dont have the ability to buy illegal drugs, trade in stolen goods, rob banks, post offices, garages, shops, security vans...
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