Council-run Car Parks and Disabled Parking

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
The debate about whether BB holders should be able to park for free will run and run.
However, accepting that they are given this concession, should Councils allow BBH's to park in any space FOC or not?

Mine does but some don't. If you have a BB and park in a non BB space (such as would happen if all the BB spaces were taken), some Councils would charge as if you did not have a BB.

What's your POV?
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Oh no. That doesn't sound right.

Surely, having a BB should let you park anywhere.

That would be like saying you can only park in BB spaces in supermarket car parks - or parents with children cannot park anywhere else. I don't see what difference the charges make.
I presume one of the 'charged' parking spaces could be the one next to the full BB spaces.

There is the philosophy in Britain that you should pay for everything you do - especially parking wherever you go as everywhere is owned by someone. Thanks to William the Conquerer.

Since I have been here, I have only paid one euro for parking - before I realised. Only specially made Council car parks in the centre of towns (cities) are charged in Summer. I have not seen a parking meter.
It actually took some getting used to - being able to park your car virtually anywhere without charge.
Might be different in Lisbon but then it might not.
provision of course for "disabled " people should be made and parking them should be free, further I recognise not all disabilities are immediately apparent. What annoys me is our local supermarket that has far more disabled spaces than are ever used. For the record, I wouldn't dream of parking in one.
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The provision of disabled parking spaces should be to facilitate ease of access (e.g. close to entrance) ; whether the use of the space is chargeable or not is a completely separate issue.

(my wife displayed a bb and parked in a bbh space at hospital, only to be fined for not paying to park. Neither she nor I was aware that bbh is not necessarily synonymous with free parking).
What annoys me is our local supermarket that has far more disabled spaces than are ever used. For the record, I wouldn't dream of parking in one.

One local Tesco has three, with around 100 normal spaces (kids/ no kids). Lidl has 5 with similar number to Tesco of normal. Pub/restaurant on same site has two. All of these spaces are usually occupied, which suggests to me there are not enough BB spaces.

Yet another pub, has two BB spaces always occupied by none BB owners, one of which is the manager - complaints to the brewery chain produces waffling replies and no attempt to free up the spaces for those with a genuine need to use them.
"11.1 Off-street car parks (such as supermarket, hospital or local authority car parks)
Off-street car park operators should provide parking spaces for disabled people. However, it is up to the car park owner to decide whether badge holders can park free of charge.

Do not assume you can always park for free."

Most places that charge BBH give a concession of twice as long as non-disabled parkers.
Here is BSE the main car park charges something like £2.20 an hour but disabled parkers pay the same for 2 hours parking.
Down the road by Halfords and TK Max it is only 20p per hour but the same criteria applies. 1 hour for able people 2 hours for disabled.
If you ask BBH are they happy to pay for parking the majority would answer yes, but on condition they were allowed some extra time to leave and return to their car.
If you ask BBH are they happy to pay for parking the majority would answer yes, but on condition they were allowed some extra time to leave and return to their car.

So they would be happy to just pay twice as much, to park for a bit longer :)

The thing is (I'm a BBH) they/I can park for free even on double yellow lines, so should be encouraged to park in proper bays - by providing enough of them and making them free.
I agree Harry. My wife is disabled and doesn't mind paying but, like you say, there are simply not enough spaces available in town/city centre parks.
I agree Harry. My wife is disabled and doesn't mind paying but, like you say, there are simply not enough spaces available in town/city centre parks.

My wife (sadly passed away 4 years ago) was disabled for decades, beginning with the orange badge scheme - I had to drive her. There was then not much special provision for OB/BB parking at all. My need for a BB is much less than her, but one the less my range on foot is restricted and those with no BB who misuse the few spaces there are, really wind me up.
Sorry to hear about your wife Harry. My wife's condition is degenerative meaning it is steadily getting worse and will never improve. She broke her neck 30 years ago and was told she would never walk. She proved them wrong and went on to lead a fairly active life and held down high profile jobs. She now owns her own company and is Operations Manager for a friends security company organising vacant property security throughout the country. Thankfully she is able to do this from the comfort of our home as she too now has great difficulty with regards mobility.
She hates having to park on yellow lines unless absolutely necessary but has no fear to standing up to someone who abuses BB facilities like parking spaces or toilets. I've seen 6 footer blokes, (she's 5'-5"), crack under her stare and rhetoric when they can't find an answer to justify their actions.
Good of them to include supermarkets in that. Does anyone have a supermarket (which has its own car park) that charges?

Yes. Well sort of. My local Morrisons requires me to pay for parking FIRST. If I actually shop there (it's very convenient for mickey-takers) I can be refunded.
I presume one of the 'charged' parking spaces could be the one next to the full BB spaces.

There is the philosophy in Britain that you should pay for everything you do - especially parking wherever you go as everywhere is owned by someone. Thanks to William the Conquerer.

Since I have been here, I have only paid one euro for parking - before I realised. Only specially made Council car parks in the centre of towns (cities) are charged in Summer. I have not seen a parking meter.
It actually took some getting used to - being able to park your car virtually anywhere without charge.
Might be different in Lisbon but then it might not.

You see this all over Europe - councils providing facilities to assist people’s enjoyment of the town, not using them as a revenue opportunity.

I’m currently sitting on a town quay moored up for the night and haven’t been charged a bean. A lunch stop at Cowes is over a 10er.
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