D link wireless router.


The response to clicking send/receive after making the change you suggested is the same:

The server responded with an error. Account: 'mail.freenetname.co.uk', Server: 'mail.freenetname.co.uk', Protocol: POP3, Server Response: '-ERR AVG POP3 Proxy Server: Cannot connect to the mail server!', Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC90

I shall change it back to what it was before & think again! I'll check the FAQ's.
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The changes suggested were taken directly from the FAQ page. After you disabled the plug in did you reboot system - I dont think that this stated in FAQ but it could be relevant.

A google search "ERR AVG POP3 Proxy Server: Cannot connect to the mail server" shows many comments about this issue.
Yeah, I was diverted by this: as was the tech guy from my ISP!!

However, the solution was far simpler - doh!

AVG was set up to use the "old" ADSL modem. Changed the setting to LAN & it worked fine!
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I didn't. I've decided to link other PC's to the router via ethernet cable.

In fact, I am now penning this post from Mrs Secure's PC.

I'm just installing AVG 8 antivirus & spam fighter pro for the e-mail. Just searching for the best free firewall. What would you recommend? Or would you upgrade to a paid-for version of AVG with firewall included?

Thanks for all your help.
Difficult to recommend free Firewall.

One that I used to use called Sygate was very good - not sure if it is still available though.

One that seems to have a growing band of enthusiasts is Comodo. There is a free version download here http://www.all-internet-security.com/top_10_firewall_software.html

Current firewall is Zone Alarm Pro- I like this one perhaps because I am used to it now. I am using this with AVG 8 - probably not the best way to go as there are a few issues due to compatibility.

You might want to look at how secure you are once you are set up. If so take a look on this site which will run some tests and report on how well you are protected https://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd2
Cheers. I've since discovered XP has firewall already...

I've now got Mrs Secure's PC up & running. Internet access working, e-mail functional, Spam Fighters installed, AVG installed.

Now all I have to do is to connect up with the kids PC then link them all to the printer......
Cheers. I've since discovered XP has firewall already...

XP has an inbuilt firewall and is better than nothing (but malicious software can easily defeat it) I would strongly rec. getting something better.

If you do install a third party firewall you will need to disable the inbuilt XP one.
I have two penn'orth to spend on this one...

Your D-Link router, by default, incorporates NAT routing and an SPI firewall. The protection afforded by this combination outstrips the Microsoft firewall and any other one that you might be tempted to install.

So, unless you like having a lump of software running on the local machine that will whinge at you when it detects something that it 'thinks' you might not like, then I would uninstall and/or disable them all.

Apart from that factor, a local firewall will use resources that would be better spent on making the machine more responsive, will contain bugs, and is easily disabled by countless strains of malware.
...Your D-Link router, by default, incorporates NAT routing and an SPI firewall. The protection afforded by this combination outstrips the Microsoft firewall and any other one that you might be tempted to install....
You definitely do not want a software firewall then - and I need to ditch the Livebox and invest in something like the D Link :D
I meant to add more...

So, unless you like having a lump of software running on the local machine that will whinge at you when it detects something that it 'thinks' you might not like, then I would uninstall and/or disable them all.
I meant to continue:

and replace them with some decent anti-spyware.

...I need to ditch the Livebox and invest in something like the D Link :D
Need is too strong a word, but I'm certainly no fan of the Livebox.
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