dealing with rudeness/awkwardness from a mutual friend

I had a "friend" many moons ago who in dribs and drabs (£5 here, £10 there) over a long period of time borrowed in excess of £200.

I did get small repayments (maximum £20) but he still owed hundreds. I always gave it to him believing he would pay it back eventually.

It got to the point where I could not give him any more. But he kept asking.

One day I flipped and when he asked me for more money ("I'm skint again mate, can you loan us a note or two?") I looked him coldly in the eye and said,

"You bought X the other day and now you're skint? You should have budgeted better."

It was almost as if I had insulted him. He got really cross and announced that he had never liked me and didn't want to see me ever again.

I told him I didn't want friends who took advantage all the time.

I never saw him again. That was 1987.
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