Do your duty and return furlough cash...

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23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
"UK firms have voluntarily returned more than £215m to the government in furlough scheme payments they did not need or took in error."

(Housebuilders Redrow, Barratt and Taylor Wimpey have both returned all the furlough money they have claimed. So too have Ikea, Games Workshop, distribution giant Bunzl and the Spectator magazine.)

Mainly large firms so far, but I wonder if smaller 'companies' or individuals will follow suit especially when they have admitted they didn't need the money?


"Others such as Primark and John Lewis have said they will not claim money under the Jobs Retention Bonus, which pays firms £1,000 for every employee they bring back from furlough and keep employed until the end of January."

I wonder if smaller 'companies' or individuals will follow suit if they are simply 'playing the system'?
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I agree with this.. We didn't furlough a single person even those who's jobs were quite clearly irrelevant under lock down. We also adopted and are still adopting margin free pricing approach for those working to defeat Covid. That included waiving fees for Licensing IP and introducing companies who could benefit each other and setting up agreements which would normally be very high margin.

We all benefit the sooner we destroy the virus. Having said that, plenty of firms need every penny and still can't operate effectively.
I'm reluctant to claim a second SEIS payment as I don't believe (thus far) my business has been affected.
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Oh, I see. Another cowardly dig at me. Define 'playing the system'.
Don't take things so personally :rolleyes:

I was simply wondering if people in general would take a look at what they claimed and whether they were entitled to it both financially or morally...

'Playing the system' means stretching the rules as far as possible (!)
I'm reluctant to claim a second SEIS payment as I don't believe (thus far) my business has been affected.
Well, I’m in education and mine definitely has, not that I’m that bothered TBH. More concerned with my own and immediate family's safety. I was thinking of going back in November after I’d received my final furlough payment but if things keep going the way they look like they are going, I’ll just sit at home safely and draw down on my furlough money, business bounce back loan and and my employee retention money, much to ellals disgust. When that’s gone, I’ll start drawing from my war chest if I don’t go back.

Some people want to make their mind up. One minute they are anti government this, anti 'borisconi' that yet the next minute they seem to want all those who have had the foresight to put a few bob away not to claim what they are entitled to. I didn’t see anything in the T&C's about companies who are affected but can afford to sit it out, not claiming. Did you?
'Playing the system' means stretching the rules as far as possible (!)
So, not illegal then? Working within the rules. That’s me to a tee and about ten million others. Get over it. (y)
So, not illegal then? Working within the rules. That’s me to a tee and about ten million others. Get over it. (y)
All those larger firms have decided not to 'play the system'...

Why haven't you?
"UK firms have voluntarily returned more than £215m to the government in furlough scheme payments they did not need or took in error."

(Housebuilders Redrow, Barratt and Taylor Wimpey have both returned all the furlough money they have claimed. So too have Ikea, Games Workshop, distribution giant Bunzl and the Spectator magazine.)

Mainly large firms so far, but I wonder if smaller 'companies' or individuals will follow suit especially when they have admitted they didn't need the money?


"Others such as Primark and John Lewis have said they will not claim money under the Jobs Retention Bonus, which pays firms £1,000 for every employee they bring back from furlough and keep employed until the end of January."

I wonder if smaller 'companies' or individuals will follow suit if they are simply 'playing the system'?
A lot of the companies you mention are big companies. Perhaps they are in a better position financially to ride it all out. Good on them, I applaud them but not every company can afford to do this and not go under.
I didn’t see anything in the T&C's about companies who are affected but can afford to sit it out, not claiming. Did you?
I haven't looked. From what I can gather, an SE bod can claim if their business has bee 'adversely affected' by Covid - however ambiguous that may be.
A person I know has claimed because he had to buy some face masks.
A lot of the companies you mention are big companies. Perhaps they are in a better position financially to ride it all out. Good on them, I applaud them but not every company can afford to do this and not go under.
It isn't about 'riding it out'...

It's about not needing the money because they haven't actually been affected and admitting as such...

Some other companies and individuals seem to have a problem with doing the same (!)
All those larger firms have decided not to 'play the system'...

Why haven't you?
Nosey bugger aren’t you? How about you telling everyone what you do for a living, whether you or any of your family have had furlough money, whether they 'needed' it and what you have been doing work-wise since March?
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Nosey bugger aren’t you? How about you telling everyone what you do for a living, whether you or any of your family have had furlough money, whether they 'needed' it and what you have been doing work-wise since March?
What I tell people is my business...

You on the other hand seem to have an unhealthy interest in those who always better you...

But suffice to say, despite my income being a bit less I declined the offer when it came through from HMRC the other month...

Because I'm not an unworthy greedy bar steward (y)
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