Does severity reduce crime?

No the reference to drug crime is a misnomer. Those druggies would be commiting crime regardless, and much of the crime that affects people directly at or around their home is not related to drugs.

So in JD's drug-fuelled Utopia, the addicts get their fix, only at the taxpayers expense and crime does not reduce, we all just get to fund their lifestyle.
Except that's not what happened, I'm guessing you didn't read the article?
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How does giving free drugs to addicts help protect their physical and psychological health.
No dirty needles, no adulterated drugs, access to social services and avoiding the prison roundabout, which is useless for everyone involved as Woody pointed out.
Would you recommend that severe alcoholics should be offered free alchol to cure their addiction and improve their health.
Under controlled conditions, yes, what would you do? Ignore them and hope they die quietly in a corner?
No dirty needles, no adulterated drugs, access to social services and avoiding the prison roundabout, which is useless for everyone involved as Woody pointed out.

Under controlled conditions, yes, what would you do? Ignore them and hope they die quietly in a corner?
"Under controlled conditions" LOL. and who would control the conditions under which the life saving alchol is administered, Staff at Wetherspoons perhaps.
"Under controlled conditions" LOL. and who would control the conditions under which the life saving alchol is administered, Staff at Wetherspoons perhaps.
I take it you didn't read the article either.
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I suspect the IT guy is either trippin on drugs or has been downing the gin all day in an uncontrolled fashion.
Never wrestle with an arsehole, you just get dirty and they enjoy it.
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I did read the article, all it said was that the police reduced illegal drug use by giving free drugs to drug addicts.

You must have read a faulty article that didn't mention the reduction in crime.

Or maybe you suffer selective blindness.

Yes, that's it.

I bet you can't read this.
"Self-declared data" - :LOL:

So you ask a bunch of hard-core heroin addicts what they've been up to in return for a nice free taxpayer-funded fix programme. Yeah, that'll work fine.
poor blind fellow can't see this.

..."Researchers studied six of the participants over 29 weeks in the programme, who prior to the scheme had been responsible for at least 541 crimes at an estimated cost to the public purse of £2.1m.

Between them, they committed just three lower-scale offences over 29 weeks of treatment.

After this period, four had not reoffended. One completed their probation period but committed one crime – down from an average of three offences every six months prior to the programme.

The other participant, who had previously not gone longer than two weeks between prison sentences having committed some 239 crimes, committed two offences during treatment.

“I used to shoplift to feed my habit,” one of the participants told researchers. “I needed at least £40 a day for my addiction. Even day, seven days a week. That’s £40 I’d sell it for so it had to be £80’s worth of their stock. Seven days a week at £80 a day."
You must have read a faulty article that didn't mention the reduction in crime.

Or maybe you suffer selective blindness.

Yes, that's it.

I bet you can't read this.
The article said that illicit drug use and associated crime had reduced by 98%as a result of the trial.
It is not hard to work out that if you give an addict free drugs they may not need to go out and steal to get the cash to buy drugs, but that isn't the point is it.
Long term drug abuse is damaging both physically and psychologically, instead of helping addicts to kill themselves, the state should be helping these people to become drug free and healthy.
poor blind fellow can't see this.
So you believe helping drug addicts to poison themselves in order to reduce shoplifting is a price worth paying.
Sounds a bit of a Nazi solution to me.
I'll risk it:

Surely this is a good thing? Isn't addiction now considered a mental illness? Weining addicts on pure drugs, in a safe environment, away from a criminal element / need to committ crime to a minimum, while trying to rehabilitate them?

It's cheaper than the fallout of crime, and, there's a chance of rehabilitation? Compared to street use and crime, where there's very little?

Even if it eventually fails for every person in the scheme, the cost to society is less (less crime), and, we have been "good" to the mentally ill addicts?

Reminds me of the Dutch scheme, where they paid alcoholics with beer to clean cities? Better then them just dying in a gutter...
Never wrestle with an arsehole, you just get dirty and they enjoy it.
Never try and use someone else's quote to try and be funny. It just shows you as witless to the entire internet.


Never try and be abusive to duck out of an argument you have lost. It just shows you to be clueless and inept to the entire internet.

Take your pick. Witless or clueless? I'd suggest you are both, and everyone can see that. How does that make you feel inside?
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