Drone strike.

28 Oct 2005
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United Kingdom
Well here we go again, the UK interfering in the Middle East to make things better, though they invariably make things worse. Air strikes are on the way.

The Middle East is a hornets nest. There are only two ways to deal with a hornets' nest.

You either leave it alone and hope they won't bother you.

Or you pour petrol over it and set it ablaze.

What you DON'T do is poke it with a stick or throw stones at it, because if you do that then you'll rile the hornets into stinging you.

Sadly, this is exactly what the UK government clowns will do.

They'll hit selected targets with drone attacks and provoke the hornets.

The hornets will then strike the UK citizens and probably the Royals in revenge.

Why oh why oh why doesn't this country learn history's lessons.

You go for option one or option two, if you dither in the middle you are going to get stung (yet again).
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I'm amazed that a drone can find an individual and 'take him out'.

Did it (the operator) just happen to come across him or had it been following him? More to it?
What are the odds of finding one Welshman in Syria? Singing, I suppose.

We'll keep a welcome in the sand dunes.
Apparently they have informants that tell us we they are. I have no problem with the morality of it but it's whether or not the government will finish the job properly or just poke with a stick as Joe says. One of the biggest problems is the news channels that broadcast these things all around the World. The government should have kept it's mouth shut.

Good shot though.
Anyone from the UK joining ISIS should be declared an outlaw. Outside of the law and therefore a legitimate target that can be taken out with no questions asked.
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Anyone from the UK joining ISIS should be declared an outlaw. Outside of the law and therefore a legitimate target that can be taken out with no questions asked.
I agree. Predictably, though, all the lefty-liberal do-gooders are complaining about the recent successful drone strike, with the inevitable 'human rights' claptrap thrown in.
Funny that. You don't hear them whingeing about all the ISIS beheadings and chucking homosexuals off roofs.
Air strikes alone won't solve the problem,how long before we hear calls from the interventionists that we need boots on the ground to finish off the job.
Assad would have finished off these Fundamentalists a long time ago if it wasn't for the interference of other countries.
Assad may or may not be as bad as he is portrayed by his opponents but one thing is for sure a bad goverment is better than no government.
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It's a shame that ISIS haven't threatened the Gulf states. If they had (like Iraq invading Kuwait) we'd be in there straight away defending our oil!
By the same token, Saudi Arabia offered token support for the defence of Kuwait, yet has been noticeably silent about the ISIS threat. I can't think why!
I am sorry that we had to resort to a missile from a drone. It should have been a few megatons from a sub and be done with the whole ****ing place.

The next drone hit should be on the apologist and whingers from their families and friends in Cardiff and Aberdeen.
It's a shame that ISIS haven't threatened the Gulf states. If they had (like Iraq invading Kuwait) we'd be in there straight away defending our oil!
By the same token, Saudi Arabia offered token support for the defence of Kuwait, yet has been noticeably silent about the ISIS threat. I can't think why!
Isis wont bite the hand that feeds them so the gulf states should be ok for ok for awhile,mean while our"Allies" the Turks do nothing stop smugglers openly touting for business.
The Turks have been letting anything and everything through as long as it's going to isis, and hoping that they can do the Kurds some serious damage.
Only now that it's become obvious that the Kurds are kicking isis' arze everywhere they clash (the only ones who are) are the Turks getting involved, and that's just a token involvement against isis to allow them to bomb the fook out of the Kurds.
The government should have remained silent about this strike, why bring it up now? do the Whitehall spinners think that this will detract from the on-going migrant crisis in Europe?
A good day to release bad news? rings a bell, or its reverse?
As for how to find the prospective "Targets" intel, bribery of local informants, and location devices on intercepted mobile phone data, the insisted upon location app, on all smart phones that several governments have access to. just try turning off the location on your phone? So location is no great problem what with Satellite surveillance and land based locators would get a location within 10 / 20 Meters!
After all these two were tweeting and on Facebook so would be a dawdle to locate,
A parallel to this was Osama Bin Ladin who had dozens of mobiles all with different numbers, he allegedly made one call per phone then destroyed that phone, a very wise precaution, did not work all that well in that grisly end?
Big problem that Cameron has now is how much intel can he reveal? A typically British thing of so called blue on blue why without permission did a drone controlled in deepest darkest England fire a weapon that took the lives of two British Citizens? without Parliament agreeing, why, because there was probably a ten to twenty minute window of opportunity, and the operation to find the Target's had cost thousands if not hundreds of thousands of ££££
This one will roll on and on and on,
What annoys me is when the newsreaders announce that British drones have killed 'British citizens'. As far as I'm concerned, these sub-humans who go to join ISIS are no longer British citizens; they are ISIS terrorists. That is their choice, so why are they still referred to as being British.

I'll stick my neck out yet further and say that many other people living here are not really British citizens either in my book; those who go around inciting violence and announcing that our police should go to Hell, for example. It's high time they were deported.

Before certain people start shouting about the 'R' word, I should add that I have always maintained that I take people as I find them. I have said as much on here before now. There are good muslims: I know some and have worked with them.
Only a fascist state can assassinate its own citizens, which pretty much sums up the Tory party.
As JBR has just said, they're no longer our citizens once they choose to join that subhuman sect. They can be seen as scum that needs eradicating.
You cannot make someone 'stateless'. It's against their human rights. That isn't about to change so get over it.
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