Expensive expenses

Why should MPs pay back money if it was obtained honestly. If it was obtained dishonestly then they should be ousted. Will Cameron or/and Brown be paying back cash?
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... Will Cameron or/and Brown be paying back cash?

Cameron offered publicly, Brown didn't but will have little choice to follow suit.
Changing address every few months is legal.
To spend thousands of pounds of tax payers money on it, only to move again is questionable.
To repeat the process and than sell the house with more profit than most of us earn in a year, comes pretty damn close to fraud.
I think it would be well justified to ask them for proof that they actually really LIVED there, in stead of just owning it. Fail to prove, and police should investigate fraud.
I'd say head of council is way overpaid and mp about right.
Yup - paid with our taxes
Don't forget that for a lot of them it is a part time job. Ever watched the parliament channel? House is 90% empty most of the time.
Europe passes most applicable laws (this is a topic for a different day)
Try and find out how often your own mp is present in his office; deffo not 90% of the time.
Wonder who they get to fill in their expense forms and do paperwork. Bet it's publically paid civil servants

The real issue is that just because the rules permit, doesn't make it acceptable. Currently, I could download a load of child porn because it's available. However, I choose not to, since I do have some scruples and it would involve exploiting the system and individuals, plus the fact that I find it repugnant! Trying to delete any such files I had downloaded wouldn't make it acceptable, any more than them repaying expenses because it suddenly seems the right thing to do. I can't imagine anyone thinking that my efforts to cover my tracks, once discovered, would think that I was a better person for it. So what makes them think that they should be forgiven and re-elected into public office. They have a proven track record, and are only remorseful due to their being "outed".
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Why do MP's need second homes ?

Would it not be easier to take an empty office block and convert it into one bedroom serviced apartments thus eliminating the need to claim for second homes and removing the temptation to profit from them.

MP's should have a relocation package to assist them moving into their constituency and then thats it.

As for paying money back, OMG, how embarrassing is that. They are like a bunch of kids caught scrumping and having to give the apples back.
We have many people at work that live miles away and so they rent a flat in london. The firm doesnt help in any way towards this.
We have many people at work that live miles away and so they rent a flat in london. The firm doesnt help in any way towards this.

But, that's the real world, in which any allowances/expenses will have an effect on the profitability and success of the company. In cloud cuckoo land, there's no need to control it, since there's always plenty of money in the pot to go round - if it ever gets a bit short, just get the taxpayers to top it up. We won't mind what we don't know.

And hey, it's all within the rules, so the MP's are really just obeying orders. Worked well as a defence in the Nuremburg trials :confused:
The point you all seem to be missing is that the expenses gravy train was a back door way of boosting MPs pay without the public knowing about it. Just give them a pay rise. That stupid shoestring woman sacked from Haringey Council over the Baby P case was on £120K. The MPs are well underpaid as managers of the country. They are certainly worth more than some dopey council official.

The head of the BBC is on £609K. Almost 10 times the pay of the MP running the country.
...The head of the BBC is on £609K. Almost 10 times the pay of the MP running the country.

Sounds fair to me, bbc must be at least 10 times more popular than gordon brownnose.
Besides, he gets a bit more than 60K
nice to see where the licence fee goes to instead of what it should be doing making programmes!
Over 200 managers working for the BBC earn more than the Prime Minister.
It's this perception thing again. MP's have tried to look like they were being reasonable by having a relatively low salary in comparison to corporate rates, and indeed key public employees. In reality, they are being completely disingenuous for self-serving reasons.

One could also question those MP's who have second incomes from different, outside jobs. I heard one on question time the other week telling us all how he was a non-executive director of some company, since he felt it was important for him to have relevant industrial experience. Sound logic indeed, until, of course, it transpired that he was being paid £100,000 for 12 days work. If it is so important, why nort waive the payments.

Also, why would a company wish to pay a non-specialist in their field so much? What exactly do they get for their money? Kudos? Given the clear indication that the right "honourable" MP's are thieves, crooks, liars and cheats, what kudos is that?
dextrous said:
since he felt it was important for him to have relevant industrial experience

I first heard about that one many years ago. Some MP with a second job was accused of putting his constituents second. He justified the second job on the grounds that "MPs should have some experience of work outside Parliament".

OK, I'll go along with that. How about spending some time on a production line, or stacking shelves on Tesco's night shift, or getting a paper round? That'll give him the kind of work experience most of his constituents do for a living. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
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