Extended alarm cable not working

From print on wintex , that is the correct way I've flashed loads of panels and that's the first time data has gone missing , in all fairness on major updates I tend to re config the set up from scratch
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yes, the best way to do that is:-

open the file, edit panel details, change to elite 48, "save as" and save it as new profile and keep your old one.

contacts or shocks, if contacts I would opt for the micro contacts so much more discrete, if shocks you may want to wait until the micro shocks come out.

your on the edge of making that decision, in kit 5 there are two contact-w as well as the 4 PIR's, the maths is there for you to work it out and it maybe a close call.

you can get help here to get things sorted, plus you can sort out the other niggles at the same time???
Is there any ETA on micro shocks? Are they definitely in the pipeline?
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as I said before, its hard wired you can update the account and send it across. what id didn't say is you should check you have the latest version of wintex and you should always double check your settings incase something doesn't behave.

when it comes to wireless and jumping up it can be more troublesome, the version 4 firmware allows a default but doesn't automatically delete the wireless devices.

when a problem arises experienced installers know what options they have and prefer and they utilise them to get them back on track.

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