Faster rise than house prices it's gone up from 19k to 166k

1 Apr 2016
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Asylum backlog in 2010 - 19k
Backlog today - 166k

Tories the buffering just doesn't stop. 12 years Torys finally have an achievement they don't want to talk about.
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They're so bad at governing, I'm starting to seriously wonder if they're intentionally gifting the next election to Starmer, knowing the writing is on the wall economically. Big recession coming, they'll try and blame it on Starmer if it all kicks off a fortnight after the election.

In reality the seeds were sown and tended lots of governments ago, by both parties. They've managed to keep the plates spinning until now, but there are few props left.
They're so bad at governing, I'm starting to seriously wonder if they're intentionally gifting the next election to Starmer, knowing the writing is on the wall economically. Big recession coming, they'll try and blame it on Starmer if it all kicks off a fortnight after the election.

In reality the seeds were sown and tended lots of governments ago, by both parties. They've managed to keep the plates spinning until now, but there are few props left.

Since 1945 we have had 30 years of Labour and 48 years of Tory Government.
In reality, Starmer will be forced to do pretty much what the tories are currently doing - muddling about, achieving nothing and getting nowhere.

If he announced anything radical or any additional borrowing then "the markets" would do what they did to Truss.

Our country is dependent on a constant drip-feed of additional borrowing just to survive. There isn't a way out, the only option is to muddle along and hope something miraculous happens.
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If every government always takes over a country in a worst state than when they started, it must mean the country is just getting worse all the time...

There's a thing on Twitter of monitoring Tories who are removing "tory" and "conservative" from their Twitter profiles. There seems to be rather a lot of them. All very odd. Many jumping ship, or just preparing to avoid the ****storm we still don't know about?
If every government always takes over a country in a worst state than when they started, it must mean the country is just getting worse all the time...

Unfortunately this country is a spent force and we probably punched above our weight for quite a long time. Governments don't even bother to promise that our lives will get better these days. All they're doing is trying to manage the decline without scaring the horses.
I can’t see a big recession coming. We are possibly in one now, it will start to improve I think within a year.
I doubt any government can 'sort' the migrant situation if by sort we mean significantly reduce numbers. This situation, globally, is only going to get worse as the years and decades roll by. You ain't seen nothing yet ...
I can’t see a big recession coming. We are possibly in one now, it will start to improve I think within a year.
We've been bouncing up and down for decades, but it's all been underpinned by perpetually rising borrowed money. Plus the windfall from north sea gas and oil that we blew on nothing. The government's privatised (i.e. flogged off for quick cash) pretty much anything it could sell over the years, many of which were obviously against the public interest due to their natural monopoly.

Interest rates are rising, the west is losing influence in the world and at some point we're not going to be able to borrow any more and will need to pay back the vast amount we already owe.

The next drop is going to make 2008 look like the minor wobble that it was. The "Truss" thing was a taster of what's to come. Sunak just managed to get the plates spinning again to keep the illusion going a bit longer.

We're a poor country, it's just that most haven't yet realised this, as it's all been covered up by borrowing.

The old labour vs tories pantomine is almost over, they're both minor variations of the same rubbish. Corbyn was a socialist, Truss was a proper conservative, both were shoved out of the way by the WEF/BBC establishment. Keep borrowing, don't rock the boat and all will keep going a bit longer.

If things do improve in the short term then it's just another ripple on the way to a bigger drop.
I doubt any government can 'sort' the migrant situation if by sort we mean significantly reduce numbers. This situation, globally, is only going to get worse as the years and decades roll by. You ain't seen nothing yet ...
A bleak scottish island, a tent from Millets and a choice of free flights to any other country in the world would sort things out pretty rapidly.
I'm surprised the tories aren't fiddling the figures on asylum/illegal immigration like they do on unemployment crime and the economy.

A bleak scottish island, a tent from Millets and a choice of free flights to any other country in the world would sort things out pretty rapidly.
I said in other threads, a year or so back an SNP politician mentioned possibly building one or two new towns here in Scotland, as in completely new towns, as a forward thinking strategy to plan for housing a (projected) increasing number of migrants.

Regardless of anyone's views on migrants, I don't think it's a stretch to conclude this is going to get worse (worse meaning increasing numbers) as the years go by, including climate migrants. I'm not joking when I say we ain't seen nothing yet.

We'll all be dead and buried/cremated, however I reckon 50-100 years from now, the ethnic mix in Britain will be significantly different to what we see today. I'm not saying all of this is good or bad, I'm simply stating how I think all of this is going to pan out in coming decades.
Change isn't inevitable. But sadly the BBC and the very noisy right-on lefty brigade tend to crucify anyone who suggests controlling immigration with slanderous slurs on their character. As long as those in charge are scared of the self-righteous Twitter keyboard warriors then things will definitely decline.

Is Scotland even in control of its immigration policy? If they are then they're a gaping hole in the UK's policy, they'll come in through there then wander south to where the money is.
Change isn't inevitable. But sadly the BBC and the very noisy right-on lefty brigade tend to crucify anyone who suggests controlling immigration with slanderous slurs on their character. As long as those in charge are scared of the self-righteous Twitter keyboard warriors then things will definitely decline.

Is Scotland even in control of its immigration policy? If they are then they're a gaping hole in the UK's policy, they'll come in through there then wander south to where the money is.
Ahh the stab in the back myth lives on in your mind.

Whose been in power?

The BBC is run by Tories.

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