I have had 2 NEW ferolli boilers fittted in the last 4 months - both faulty - cause probably terrible build quality - now ripping out latest boiler in my combined/optimised/condensing system as ferroli basically don't want to know. faults have been: 4 PCBs, leaks from internal vessels and pipes, optimiser shorting out repeatedly(never actually worked), 2 new fans. and a few other niggly things like internal wiring cross-overs!
I have 3 bathrooms, 4 toilets and a kitchen and a utility room - the system was designed to give me 'instant' hot water in the kitchen/utility/1 loo and stored water from the boiler in a big tank (with back-up immersion and thank god for that.
Any suggestions for a good product that may give me (even after the cheque has cleared) at least a year's service uninterrupted?