Good news buries the bad news....

23 Feb 2005
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United Kingdom
The Bin Laden news - Sunday

Separately, I spoke to a serving SEAL, who did not want to be identified. He was mildly sceptical about the US government's account of the raid. "I'll only form a true view on this," he said, "when I hear about it directly - from the guys who were there."

The Libya news - Saturday

Saif al-Arab, 29, and three of Col Gaddafi's grandchildren died on Saturday when Nato missiles hit his villa in the leader's compound.
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The media will only tell you what you want to hear , thats what you pay them to do.
How can it be reported that bin laden used his wife as a shield then next day its reported she didn't

I don't believe were being told the full story of events, maybe close but not the full story
Bin Lada is/was the bogeyman. Everything that's said about him that comes from 'official' or government sources will have a certain amount of 'spin' that keeps him in a bad light. Same with Saddam...Gaddafi etc etc.


I became instantly sceptical of this story when I heard that he'd been buried at sea and that there is no video or footage of his body. This has prompted the following theories:

1) They haven't got him at all and he's still at large. Completely ridiculous as he'd only have to appear as a guest on Titchmarsh next week to prove that his death was a hoax.

2) They killed him, or have confirmation of his death at some point prior to this, and decided to hold back the information to be released at a 'convenient time'

The fact that Nato has just killed 4 members of Gaddafi's immediate family is very bad news and the Bin Laden thing is the ideal news story to keep it from the front pages.

Plus the fact that Obama is/was in need of a popularity boost.

3) They've had him all along, in captivity, and something has happened. Either he's killed himself whilst in captivity or died of natural causes. They can't really release this as news because A) it shows that they've been lying to the people all along...and B) for him to die of anything other than a US led military operation is frankly a 'missed opportunity'

4) He's still alive, and has negotiated a deal whereby he 'disappears' (change of identity?) and disbands his organisation, and they get to say that he's dead. Problem solved without fuss.

This last one is obviously unlikely, but let us not forget, former Irish terrorists are now in powerful governmental positions after negotiating peace deals.
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How can it be reported that bin laden used his wife as a shield then next day its reported she didn't

I don't believe were being told the full story of events, maybe close but not the full story

Today he was apparently unarmed!

His 12 yr old daughter is reported as saying they had captured him then shot him in the head!

Apparently next week the story will be that he was killed whilst doing voluntary work in a christian soup kitchen, whilst simultaneously playing with kittens and working on his remix of john lennons IMAGINE
They must keep the hype alive, just the usual propaganda to incite further terrorism.

Apparently, it's Gadaffi's fault though. He told Tony Blair that his son needed a rocket up his a**e to get him out of bed in the morning. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
The immediate conspiricy theory is that the troops that killed a hostage a couple of weeks ago, managed to hit an enemy of theirs in the head, several times, after capture, and he was unarmed (or was that his deputy they refer to, who only has one arm?).

Unnamed forces then immediately took his body thousands of miles away, to be buried at sea, to prevent martyrdom sites popping up, like had happened to Rasputin, and Hitler, therefore confirming his place in history, as a martyr.

The other side of the argument, if a picture was released, of someone with half their head blown off (which will become available on the web at some point), is that it's been photoshopped. And then people will always speculate, is the picture real or fake...BORING!

Good time to bury news for the power rich, too convenient IMHO. I agree entirely with Deluks. And if your internet goes down, you have a power cut, or a black cat walks across your path, and you only see one Magpie that day...It's all the work of bin Ladens supporters.
The media will only tell you what you want to hear , thats what you pay them to do.

Well I for one, want to hear about Jordan's sexploits with her latest beau.
That's why I buy the News of The World. I also like the Sunday Sport glossy supplement.
Why bother with depressingly real news? ;) ;) ;) ;)
Micky, I said in a similar thread on another site ( where their on about people asking for photographic proof of Bin Hidin's death) that photographic evidence on the internet, amounts to nothing. Photo's can be altered by 6 yr old kids these days. I pointed out the White House reticence to release photo's for fear they might upset people (of a nervous disposition) or cause muslim terrorists to double their efforts for revenge.
These same terrorists (under the guise of Al Quaeda) didn't waste a second putting video of beheadings of hostages on the internet.
IMHO, the White House have wasted a valuable moneymaking opportunity. We want to see HD video of the complete raid in Pakistan. They could release it to one of these pay per view channels and make a fortune. Charge another fortune for the original photo's etc. Christ, there's an absolute fortune to be made.

(did I mention, they could make a fortune out of this?)
Micky, I said in a similar thread on another site ( where their on about people asking for photographic proof of Bin Hidin's death) that photographic evidence on the internet, amounts to nothing. Photo's can be altered by 6 yr old kids these days. I pointed out the White House reticence to release photo's for fear they might upset people (of a nervous disposition) or cause muslim terrorists to double their efforts for revenge.
These same terrorists (under the guise of Al Quaeda) didn't waste a second putting video of beheadings of hostages on the internet.
IMHO, the White House have wasted a valuable moneymaking opportunity. We want to see HD video of the complete raid in Pakistan. They could release it to one of these pay per view channels and make a fortune. Charge another fortune for the original photo's etc. Christ, there's an absolute fortune to be made.

(did I mention, they could make a fortune out of this?)

But in the West we are more diplomatic..the terror wants to infer further terror..
Apparently this raid was planned for weeks ago but they had to get the royal wedding out the way first.
''Imagine no possessions , I wonder if you can'' Sings the former beetle millionaire whilst playing his huge expensive white piano in his huge white mansion in his hand cut tailored white suit.

He was a pop star, not bleedin mahatma ghandi. So, what would you expect? If he'd have done it in a favella wearing a sack and playing a vuvuzela would that have met with your approval? :rolleyes:
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