
WoodYouLike said:
To any customer in a supermarket in front of me at the check-out reading this:

While the cashier is passing the items you just bought from one side of the till to the other, you can start packing straight away

When the cashier has swiped the last item you bought and tells you the amount due you can stop packing and should have your card, money, bonus card ready to hand over for processing.

While this is being done, you can restart packing.

When the cashier hands back your card and gives you your receipt and/or change you can stop packing.

Then, when you have no more dealing with the cashier you can start putting all your packed plastic bags into your trolley and MOVE AWAY!

Thank you.

Don't be ridiculous, WYL, surely you know the legend of the White Horse?

Once upon a time, a woman was buying things in a shop. She got out her purse, and had the money in her hand when suddenly! A white horse cantered up. A handsome prince leapt off, and said "I grant you all your shopping for free. You don't have to pay anything!"

And that is why, to this day, women never get their money out at the till, they just stand there, looking around for the White Horse,.
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JohnD said:
And that is why, to this day, women never get their money out at the till, they just stand there, looking around for the White Horse,.
In case it ends up as a BOGOF? :)
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