Ha ha

17 Jun 2004
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United Kingdom
Those of you that have been around the forum will know that my forum signature came about when one of the moderators decided that my explanation of something to do with meters and the reason why they are cabled in a certain way (security reasons) came too close to being a hint at how to fiddle them and deleted the comment, its in the style of 213 Skippy is no longer allowed to do in the US army

To sum up, it was anything but a serious comment, the funny bit is this morning I get an email from some chancer with the following

hi adam what hints have you got to fiddle the leccy meter thanks john


... Is there something you're not telling us JohnD? ;) :LOL:
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I think most of the regulars here know haw to bypass meters and most of us have been asked how to do it.
It does not mean that most of us actually would do it though.
I`ve seen a few in my time.
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I have seen it done once ona DNO supply.

I have seen it done plenty on private metering.

I have seen it done in flats on numerous occasions - power from the flat below, power from the communal etc.

The main thing is though - you would get away with it if you where not greedy. Trouble is, the plonkers start using nothing but stolen lecky, and the supplier then gets suss at the lack of usage. The suppliers may have supplied the supply for years and years, and know the typical demand.
I read an article in FHM years ago, suggesting you shouldn't put a pin in an old meter with a wheel, as it's almost impossible to get the wheel going again.

So what happens when there is a power cut?

I conclude it was lies to dissuade fraud.
on the way to work one early morning a few months ago, I saw a cable running from a bus stop, over the wall behind it to power the shed presumably..
seen the pin and wheel trick done in an elaborate and ingenious way.

Trouble these days as stated above you cant beat the computer records of usage so fraud is harder to get away with.
Negatives were also a favorite when trying to fiddle a meter.
I used to see some cracking pictures :LOL:
It has always struck me that the way to steal leccy without getting caught is to avoid the metering positition completely. The metering position is regularlly looked at by meter readers who may get suspicious but the service cable is burried underground where noone will see it.

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