Does anyone know how hail forms and also snow and why are they different
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i think its to do with the speed of which the water droplets are sucked up high into a storm cloud (cumulus) which are then frozen, become heavy and fall as frozen droplets i.e. hail. snow is just like rain only in winter where temps make it freeze. you can have hail in the middle of summer provided the water droplets can get sucked up high enough.
noseall said:
i think its to do with the speed of which the water droplets are sucked up high into a storm cloud (cumulus) which are then frozen become heavy and fall as frozen droplets i.e. hail. snow is just like rain only in winter where temps make it freeze. you can have hail in the middle of summer provided the water droplets can get sucked uphigh enough.

mmmmmmmmm intresting
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hermes said:
Bob I think you have a plan. Am I right or what?

no i can honestley say this is a genuine post and as always bugged me not knowing
That second site is most interesting, look at the size of those hailstones! I was once driving a hire-car in France and it started hailing so heavily that I stopped the car under some trees because it sounded like it would get damaged by the hailstones, and they were only about 10mm across. Imagine getting hit by one spanning 144mm!!!
Do they come in pink with matching feathers on the helmet?
Wonder if they could have stiletto heels fitted? :D
hermes said:
Bob I think you have a plan. Am I right or what?

Like James Blunt?

"'Cause I've got a plan....."

"And I don't know what to do......"
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