Heil Merkel

You will never get out for the simple reason that big business wants cheap labour and to get voted in in this country - you need big business onside. So it aint going to happen.
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You will never get out for the simple reason that big business wants cheap labour and to get voted in in this country - you need big business onside. So it aint going to happen.

If you put it like that i may as well go and jump off the Clifton suspension bridge now. :( :(
You will never get out for the simple reason that big business wants cheap labour and to get voted in in this country - you need big business onside. So it aint going to happen.

What Big business Joe? Are the biggest users of foreign labour in the UK not the manufacturers and producers?
And does it mean if we are outside the EU this foreign labour will be unavailable to them?

Isn't big business actually the financial sector which Sarkosy and Frau Merkel are so keen to get their grubby hands on as they know its a nice little earner?
Why would big business want to embrace such folly?
I haven't seen the news but have heard Cameron has torpedoed Frau merkel and her side kicks proposal.
If we are out of the Euro zone then immigration would be restricted - business doesn't want that to happen. They want to employ Billy the Pole and leave Brits untrained and on the dole.
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Nick Clegg has got the dole bludgers a pay rise. Nice incentive not to work.
What the tories are saving in one hand the liberals dish out in the other.
have you spent time in Oz? (dole bludger)?
No but I've a mate in OZ. He's an electrician.
"dole bludger" was dormermouse's catchphrase if memory serves me correctly.
1704--- An English army led by the Duke of Marlborough (John Churchill, Winston's ancestor) allied with the Austrians thoroughly defeat the French and Bavarians at Blenheim. Thus putting a halt to Louis 14th and French imperial designs, and saving Europe.

1814.... A British army allied with Spain and Portugal and led by Arthur Wellsley (Wellington) Drive the french out of Spain with some brilliant military victories, and pursue them through France. With the help of our nervous allies Russia and Prussia and our naval dominance we cause Napoleon to abdicate and he is exiled to Elba. The British paid £millions to these allies to keep them on side and give them courage during the conflict. This put paid to Europe being conquered by the French.....The British saved Europe again

1815.... Napoleon escapes from Elba and re gains his Grande Army and marches on Paris in triumph. King Louis flees and the rest of Europe is again terrified of the mighty French army led by Napoleon. They plead with Britain and Wellington to again save them. This culminates in an allied army of Belgians Dutch Germans and Prussians led by the british and Wellington defeating Napoleon at Waterloo..... I guess the british saved Europe again

1854....The British head an army allied with French to stop Russian imperial ambition at the Crimea...Have we saved Europe again

1914--1918.....The british ally themselves to the French to eventually defeat the Germans and put an end to their imperial ambitions. This war was enormously costly in lives and finances. The British were the purse in this war financing the French contribution. After the war this French debt was written off, and britain was on its knees. However we had saved Europe again

1939--1945... The british stand alone after the German military has swept all before it through Europe conquering Austria, Czechoslovakia,Poland, Holland, Belgium, Norway and France. We are alone and just about broke but we fight on. We lease lend and borrow heavily from the USA to continue the fight. Eventually allied with the mighty USA and Russia we drive the Germans back to unconditional surrender. britain was heavily endebted to the USA through this war to liberate Europe. It took us to the 1980's to repay it, but we did.
During the German occupation of France General de Gaule was ensconced in britain till the allies liberated his country, when he took over as president and all conquering hero. As a mark of his gratitude he continually blocked britains attempts to join the EEC whilst he was in power.
However we had saved Europe again.

Just who are the bad guys and good guys here. This warlike belligerent group of countries called Europe owe the Brits a Massive debt of gratitude. I say we should re think our allegiance to this cabal. There is a massive world out there looking for allies and trading partners. Like it or not we are more culturally akin to other Anglo Saxon nations like the USA, Canada Australia New zealand.

Stuff them!
You know when you watch "Day of the Jackal"; how many of you keep on hoping/wishing that De Gaulle actually gets to bite the dust? :)
Yeah but only Melonhead gets it. Mercury fulminate bullet wasn't it?
I think Cameron played his cards wrong, he should have given Merkal and Sarkosi whatever they wanted, with only one small concession, Nigel Farage becomes the president of Europe. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Lets face it the Germans hate us because they never had an empire like ours, i was in a pub in Germany one night with some mates, the conversation got round to how WE had stolen all the gold and diamonds from Africa, i never bothered to ask if they had been indocrinated at school or in their homes as i was slightly intoxicated, however its not just them, i spent about 6yrs at school in Scotland and most of the history lessons were how ruthless longshanks was, a lot of Scots still hate us for that, the French have never got over the fact that French is not the international language, vive la Bretange or words to that effect :evil: :evil: :evil:
If . They want to employ Billy the Pole and leave Brits untrained and on the dole.
Billy the pole and Johnny Foreigner - Isn`t there a comedy duo called Billy + Johnny :confused:
A very interesting history lesson especialy from snugib. I love the way you portray yourselves as the salvation of Europe. The fact that you have the reputation of being arrogant , pompous and self opinated with one of the bloodiest histories of ANY country does not seem to bother you at all. Throughout history , there has not been one place where the union jack has flown without the people underneath actualy wanting you there. I know I am a newcomer to your forum but that does not mean I can't go against what the majority of you are saying when it comes to telling us all about your " greatness " and how mankind should crawl hands and knees over broken bottles to stick matchsticks in your **** in gratitude. No doubt I will be banned for this , but it was worth it.
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