Hive Install to replace Danfoss TPOne - B

Thanks for the photos.

Two things to note, first the grey wire is already connected to neutral - a little bit poor, considering it is just hanging out loose, in the backbox of your existing stat.
Secondly, one of the brown zone valve wires has been trapped by the lid of the wiring centre - it shouldn't be an issue, but just make sure its clear of the lid before replacing it.

Next, it depends on what you want to acheive.

If you are happy with your single channel Hive receiver replacing the existing stat...

With the power safely isolated,

Connect the Brown wire to the L terminal of the Hive receiver backplate.
Connect the Grey wire to N.
Connect the Black wire to terminal 3
Put the Green/Yellow earth wire into Hives earth terminal.
Then add a short link wire between L and terminal 1.

Alternatively, for a neater finish, if you would like to put the Hive Receivers near to the wiring centre, we can guide you through the rewiring and decommissioning of your existing stats.
Thanks I will try this tomorrow and give an update
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Hi All
Thanks to Random's suggestion the wiring for Replacing the existing Danfoss TPOne-B with a single channel Receiver has WORKED great.
Again Thanks to Random and Eric.
Hence I have replaced the Upstairs zone with the Hive Mini Single Channel and paired with Hive Thermostat. All good

Before I replace the downstairs TPOne-B I have a another question.
In our previous house we had Conventional Boiler with a Hot Water Tank. The Hive Receiver and Thermostat we used was the SLT3.
Can I use this Receiver with a Combi Boiler in our new House without wiring up the Hot Water channel part? If so what would be the wiring in relation to what I have at the moment with the TPOne-B
Thanks for your help.
Well done, glad to hear that it's working :)
Can I use this Receiver with a Combi Boiler in our new House without wiring up the Hot Water channel part? If so what would be the wiring in relation to what I have at the moment with the TPOne-B
Yes, connect the Brown wire to the L terminal of the Hive receiver backplate.
Connect the Grey wire to N.
Connect the Black wire to terminal 4
Put the Green/Yellow earth wire into Hives earth terminal.

...and give it a go!
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Hi Random
Both zones working Manually and via Online HUB.
Thanks for your help
Well done and thank you for letting us know the outcome.
Enjoy the benefits of turning the heating on, without having to get out of bed! :)
Evening , I have completed the same setup from Danfoss to Hive with multizone. Brown live Black switch 3 and grey neutral and earth. All looks good but not getting radiators hot downstairs, do I need to do anything in the wiring center ?
Evening , I have completed the same setup from Danfoss to Hive with multizone. Brown live Black switch 3 and grey neutral and earth. All looks good but not getting radiators hot downstairs, do I need to do anything in the wiring center ?
It's always best to start your own thread, rather than jumping on another.
You say you have "the same setup from Danfoss to Hive" - was it a battery powered TP One-B?
Was the Brown wire in Com and the Black wire in NO?
Do lights appear on the Hive receiver with the Grey wire connected to N?
Is your Hive single channel?
Some before and after photos would have been good, so that we can confirm how your controls were/are connected.
Yes that's correct . Just didnt want to start all over as the thread explains perfectly what i have done. Regarding the black and brown wires. When i turn my heating on the upstairs zone two comes on. Do I need to remove the link from 12 to 13?
Do I need to remove the link from 12 to 13?
Your wiring centre appears to be wired correctly. If you haven't touched it, and the TP One system worked correctly, then there is no need to suspect the wiring centre.
Can you show us your wiring of the Hives?
So no link cable from Live to 1. And Black wire now in Position 1. And both receivers does come on and fire up the boiler. But no radiators get hot in both zones now?
So no link cable from Live to 1. And Black wire now in Position 1. And both receivers does come on and fire up the boiler. But no radiators get hot in both zones now?
I didn't say to remove the link wire :)
Can you show us a picture of the receivers you have?

Single channel receivers. I believe my fault is in the wire box. I have three black wires two of which are from my now hive receivers and the other is going to my pump I believe from the box lable. When I move these around I now have hot radiators around the house but not my zone 2 upstairs . Before was vice versa. So I need to tone of which black wire is from downstairs and connect to the downstairs zone 1 and same for upstairs zone 2. And third would stay connected 13 pump?

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