How are your potholes?

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Our street is being completely redone between. 8.30pm on the 24th and 6.00am on the 25th. Overnight jobbie. The 'no parking' signs went up today.

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Nearly there!
Pay more taxes, get more potholes fixed ............
I made that point in relation to policing but people think that crime will be sorted if the police stopped being woke and investigating hurtful tweets . I’m never sure whether they don’t get the de funding that has taken place or do get it but want taxes to stay low.
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I made that point in relation to policing but people think that crime will be sorted if the police stopped being woke and investigating hurtful tweets . I’m never sure whether they don’t get the de funding that has taken place or do get it but want taxes to stay low.
No doubt there is a way to collate the info and quantify it but it would take a large team and some time.

To what do I refer?

What percentage of our tax take contributes to useful tangible provable outcomes, and what percentage is p1ssed against the wall.

Many people would no doubt be comfortable with tax increases IF it could be guaranteed the money was actually going to be used positively and not wasted e.g. on unnecessary bureaucracy and the like.
No doubt there is a way to collate the info and quantify it but it would take a large team and some time.

To what do I refer?

What percentage of our tax take contributes to useful tangible provable outcomes, and what percentage is p1ssed against the wall.

Many people would no doubt be comfortable with tax increases IF it could be guaranteed the money was actually going to be used positively and not wasted e.g. on unnecessary bureaucracy and the like.
A few million here on producing woke guidance to some random public sector body is chicken feed but makes a good headline. Proper investment in public services will cost tens/hundreds of billions.
Many people would no doubt be comfortable with tax increases IF it could be guaranteed the money was actually going to be used positively and not wasted e.g. on unnecessary bureaucracy and the like
Like £600m spaffed up the wall on the Rwanda plan
Was talking to a taxi driver the other day, who explained the problem. Companies are asked to tender for pothole work, the council selects the cheapest tender, and then asks them to do the job for 10% less. So to make a profit, they need to cut costs, which means the worst materials.
Was talking to a taxi driver the other day, who explained the problem. Companies are asked to tender for pothole work, the council selects the cheapest tender, and then asks them to do the job for 10% less. So to make a profit, they need to cut costs, which means the worst materials.
Thats interesting, ours pays full price and they still break up
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