How tedious

15 Jun 2004
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United Kingdom
How many people think as I do, when we get a post & two maybe three people continually cut & paste & quote this & that of who said what.

Come on ‘fellas’ do some work or move on.

BTW Its usually the same people, but no names. :LOL:
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Diyisfun said:
How many people think as I do, when we get a post & two maybe three people continually cut & paste & quote this & that of who said what.

Come on ‘fellas’ do some work or move on.

BTW Its usually the same people, but no names. :LOL:

Dunno what you mean ;)
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i think the general discussion topic is there to be used as people see fit. if you don't like it, don't visit it. if the mod's don't like it then it will be deleted.

but......... and yes i do agree with Diyisfun, why should we be forced to trawl through bickering nonsense, to get to the gist of a post, just because a couple of egocentric, self absorbed individuals like the sound of their own voices.
noseall said:
i think the general discussion topic is there to be used as people see fit. ...

Sadly these tedious posts are not just on the General Discussion forum.
bored to the back teeth with it. You dont need to come back with an answer to every single sentance in minute detail. It makes it totally unreadable and makes the thread unfollowable for those who may be intrested but dont want to go into that depth or darent go into the depth. I think its a little sad really, not to mention theres better things you could do with your time and your blood pressure!
Arguments about a particular subject I usually like and I read them with interest and hope that I can learn something.

When it develops into a "cut and paste" (or quotation marks) argument about a subject, I will usually still keep reading because there is some interest in following the thread and I'm sure it's good for my brain to try and see both points of view and to watch as points are addressed (or dissected) from different perspectives.

When it develops further into a "cut and paste" argument about a "cut and paste" argument it somehow begins to seem a bit surreal and I begin to wonder what the internet is all about. Sometimes if I folllow one of these threads to the bitter end I feel some kind of achievement in having kept up with it, but sometimes I think that my life must be somewhat empty that I have spent my time reading such intricate dialogue that never seems to have a conclusion.

Not mentioning any names, of course. :D
Eddie M said:
You mean summarise ;)
... in de morning,
Summarise, in de morning,
Spreading all de light all aroouuuuunnnnnd...
hermes,Thermo,noseall. Thanks for your comments, Im plezzzed its not just me that is peeeded of with the 2 or 3 people & there playground attitude.
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