I don't believe it. Cig lighter energy saver

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Good god! I guess you have to give credit where it's due - these people have pretty incredible imaginations to come up with this crap.

Some rough calculations show me that with one of these, some magnets on my fuel lines, one of those brown's gas kits, a resistor, and an electric fan in my inlet, my standard vauxhall omega 3.0 ought to top 800bhp whilst returning about 150mpg!! Where's my credit card?! And DAMN those car makers, all in cahoots with BIG OIL of course, for trying to keep these secrets from us!!!!!!!

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You should be careful about saying it won't work. If the manufacturer thinks it should work, even though he hasn't tested it and it does not, in fact, work, you could be up for libel.

Only last year Justice Eady found for the British Chiropractic Association's claim of libel because a science writer said their snake oil couldn't work. The fact that it didn't work was irrelevant.
roflmao :LOL: :LOL:

"Better Vehicle Handling" from a small fan attached to your air intake.....

got to laugh.

Wow!! They must all feed off each other's BS. If you can stand even looking at this guy's 'stick a capacitor in your car' advert for more than 10 seconds, you'll find this little gem...

"3. If you do not have power steering you will know how the vehicle turns. Now after installing the vs39, you will notice that the steering is much lighter when driving."

Er.... um.... no words can describe teh stupid :( :(
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Awesome! one for the home! :rolleyes: :( Almost certainly a box-o-capacitor. 3 points for explaining why it appears to 'work' in the video ;)
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Increased powerfactor?
But as domestics are metered in Kwh it doesn't really make any odds.

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