I like to watch the Queens speech in the morning

Watching Corbyn now. He is by far the most impressive leader with the best vision. Amazing speech. Boris on the other hand just stuttered and mumbled the usual sound bites.

Still be voting lib dems though!
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Watching Corbyn now. He is by far the most impressive leader with the best vision.

Yeah top bloke is Corbyn, far too clever for the RWR on here.......they cant understand more than 3 words 'Git brixet dun'

Anybody with a noddle should know it wont git dun anytime soon
Yeah top bloke is Corbyn, far too clever for the RWR on here.......they cant understand more than 3 words 'Git brixet dun'

Anybody with a noddle should know it wont git dun anytime soon

Haven't you got some tank tops to iron or something.
Let us all just be fully honest about it and not make excuses for Corbyn.
He lied to attempt to make himself look good to the viewing electorate and put his foot in it.

There are dreamers who believe Corbyn is not a devious terrorist supporting liar.
There are dreamers who believe Corbyn is not a devious terrorist supporting liar

The Telegraph dedicated its first 6 pages entirely to discrediting Corbyn.
I expect some right wing voters believe it.

Im no fan of Corbyn, but gee he is a better person by a country mile than The Liar.
you have to swear allegiance to an imposter...

Maybe not as diverse and tolerant a society as you believe?
You are leader of """the intolerant and hating all things British party"""
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