I want Gove for PM so we can go to War

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom
The Father has spoken.

I will miss Ken when he finally retires. I know it's old but made me laugh.
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Does anybody here have any estimate of how many times DP intends to demonstrate how utterly unfit he is to be here before he gives up and f***s off?
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Does anybody here have any estimate of how many times DP intends to demonstrate how utterly unfit he is to be here before he gives up and f***s off?

Well Er no cant say that I have :confused:

What makes u not un fit to be here ?
Shouldn't we be at war by now. That's what Cameron said if we voted Out
Gove is at 4/1 at the moment.
I backed Dominic Raab awhile back when he was in with a chance.
He is now a 12/1 outsider, looks like I have lost my money again.
Does anybody here have any estimate of how many times DP intends to demonstrate how utterly unfit he is to be here before he gives up and f***s off?
Rofl ..you would be bored and dissappear up your orifice of self induced smugness and hate of all things disagreeing with you.
Back in 2017, Gove said the citizens would be able to choose the sort of Bexit they wanted.

I bet he's glad we've all forgotten he said it.


It does seem, though, that this is a ruse to get people to accept a deal, any deal, and make people shut up about how bad it is.

He intends that the only options will be "Hard Brexit" or "Softer Brexit." He does not intend that anyone will get the chance to vote "Abandon Brexit."


Michael Gove

It is reported that Theresa has not allowed the Cabinet to decide what sort of Brexit they want, because the Hards, Softs and Remainers cannot agree. This is why the UK is vacillating aimlessly. It can't say what it wants because it hasn't decided. Pob Gove is trying to patch over our government's failure.

Have a look at the BBC link.
Is it surprising that we haven't moved on an inch?
Gove would bring a bit light relief to politics.
Every time he opens his mouth I laugh.
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