ID cards for Voting

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Still no compelling argument as to why I'd cards are a bad thing.
If they are being used as a tool to prevent voter fraud, then they are a costly waste of time. In fact, if voter fraud is the only reason for UK folk to have them, then they serve zero point.
If they are being used as a tool to prevent voter fraud, then they are a costly waste of time. In fact, if voter fraud is the only reason for UK folk to have them, then they serve zero point.

In fact, we may see an increase of fraud if they are implemented.

Isn't that a bit like suggesting there was a sharp increase in drink driving when breathalysers were introduced?
How on earth could proof of identity increase electoral fraud?
Isn't that a bit like suggesting there was a sharp increase in drink driving when breathalysers were introduced?
Possibly. There are so few convicted cases of voter fraud per annum, that an increase of a couple of people per year is enough to double the crime stats and still be completely anecdotal.

If the numbers were huge then it would be a different story. But they aint.

Your claim was that "vote early, vote often" was Sinn Fein's election slogan.

I asked you for proof that that was their slogan,and you have given us

"Archives show Britain suspected Sinn Féin of fraud"

"the British government believed 25% of Sinn Féin's vote had been garnered through "intimidation" and "personation""


"The documents do not explain where the figure of 25% of Sinn Féin votes being personated is derived from."

And no mention of the phrase "vote early, vote often".

Stop messing about.

Stop responding to questions which posts which are not actually answers.

Start providing actual proof of the veracity of your claims. Or stop making them.
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