Ideal Classic FF250 Gas Boiler - Solenoid Clicking

PCB or GAS Valve

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Its dangerous ( expensive! ) to make assumptions on what parts are faulty in a boiler.

I like to do the tests and know that I am replacing the right part first time!

In the trade its called a "first time fix" !

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PCB swapped over this morning (by RGI). Same fault so Gas valve being replaced with a new one next (By RGI).
At least I have a spare PCB now.
While clicking the gas was cycling low to normal.

An ideal classic dosent modulate

Before I have the gas valve replaced (which I'm told rarely goes wrong)

Duff info there mate Ive replaced loads and have hung more of these on wall from new as an apprentice that most others will have.

my thoughts are that it may be the PCB. The gas valve solenoid would only be on or off (told to do so by the PCB) and a failing component on the PCB may well be making it click rapidly.

The PCB's on this are normally sound.

A multimter is required to fully diagnose this problem I'm afraid
Thanks oph. Once the valve is replaced it should be back up and running properly.
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I'll let you know once it is out and replaced. Can the old part be repaired or best just to bin it? Worth anything to anyone with a failing solenoid?
and finished off tomorrow - Cork gaskets perished and not available off the shelf anymore. Boo. Another cold night with no heating or hot water.
Well today is yesterday's tomorrow!

Testing first before buying parts would have identified what was at fault !

Well at least you will not have to pay for the PCB which was not at fault.

Some RGIs never learn!

If the gas valve at fault then on many its possible to just replace the faulty solenoid. The red ones are ones you can. About £27 instead of £100 !

No separate black solenoids available for these - only the complete valve. I bought PCB myself so that will be a good spare part. My parents have the FF260 boiler so first to break can have it. It cost less than £25 so not an issue. RGI would not have known in advance that cork seals would have perished. I'm only being charged one fitting fee for the gas valve and seals. Brilliant RGI and coming to my house on the evening of the original fault, turning up on time at 7.30am yesterday and today - Priceless!! Great service.
I've changed the black solenoid pilot solenoid and the 240v main solenoid on these.
The failure mode usually seems to be that the solenoids go open circuit when they get warm.

Its easy to identify which part is at fault by just measuring the applied voltage to the solenoid.

Correct - the pilot remained lit. In the end that remained lit and there was no clicking at all from the main one.
All replaced now (yes - by the RGI Tony) and working properly once again. Happy days.

Thanks all.

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