In or out

In or out of the European union

  • Remain in the EU

  • Get out

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don't be grouchy.

If fender has truly "yet to speak to anyone who wants to stay in" then the people he has spoken to are not representative of the UK population.

Only an idiot would think they were.

You're very keen to annoy me. But I remember the poster previously known as fire and ice admitting that he deliberately said things that weren't true.
I don't think (obviously) that it gives a true picture regarding the thoughts of the general public in the UK.
It's simply what I've found to date. I meet a lot of people in my work and no-one to date has said they want to stay in. Just a statement JD of what I've found so far. Take it any way you like.
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I think it is.
I'm perfectly happy thanks, but it is you being the grouchy rude one. Am I missing a private joke here?

Perhaps you should discuss your personal issues with fire and ice. I haven't noticed his posts
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Take it any way you like.
I am quite willing to believe that you have not talked to any "remain" people.

However the people you have spoken to are (as you say, obviously) not a representative sample, so it would be wrong to think they are, as the poster currently using the name Davie Jones pretends, or that there are therefore no "remain" people in the UK.
However the people you have spoken to are (as you say, obviously) not a representative sample, so it would be wrong to think, as the poster currently using the name Davie Jones pretends, that there are therefore no "remain" people in the UK.

Oh right! Have I stated somewhere that there are no BSE people in the UK? It must have been the person previously known as Prince.

There are lots of BSE people, perhaps they just don't come out in the daylight or spend their time being rude to folk on the internet.
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Since we know that the population of the UK does not match your experience

I'm very sorry but we do not know that. The sites that you visit tell you that.

We know that there are "remain" people in the UK. Therefore the people Fender has spoken to are not the same mix as the population of the UK. Therefore we know that the people Fender has spoken to are not a representative sample and do not contain the same mix as the population of the UK.

Since we know that the population of the UK does not match your experience

I'm very sorry but we do not know that. The sites that you visit tell you that.

We know that there are "remain" people in the UK. Therefore the people Fender has spoken to are not the same mix as the population of the UK. Therefore we know that the people Fender has spoken to are not a representative sample.

How do you know this is true? Do you know them all personally?
We know that there are "remain" people in the UK. Therefore the people Fender has spoken to are not the same mix as the population of the UK. Therefore we know that the people Fender has spoken to are not a representative sample and do not contain the same mix as the population of the UK.


Mate. Read this back when you're sober. Have a kip now.

If Fender has not spoken, yet, to any "remain" people, do you think that the people he has spoken to are representative of the UK population?
Maybe Fender has spoken to some BSE folk but they haven't admitted to it..
Possibly, but I did not get that impression.
Bear in mind that the people I speak to vary from wealthy company directors, to the people who sweep the floors after work.

As you inferred, maybe the inners don't want to admit it, but I really did not get that impression. The company directors in general said they found EU directives and rules too restrictive and caused additional costs that they otherwise would not have.
Maybe Fender has spoken to some BSE folk but they haven't admitted to it..
Possibly, but I did not get that impression.
Bear in mind that the people I speak to vary from wealthy company directors, to the people who sweep the floors after work.

As you inferred, maybe the inners don't want to admit it, but I really did not get that impression. The company directors in general said they found EU directives and rules too restrictive and caused additional costs that they otherwise would not have.
It was my little jest.
I have met some BSE people but they have met the criteria stated in one of my earlier posts.
Bear in mind that the people I speak to vary from wealthy company directors, to the people who sweep the floors after work.................general(ly) said they found EU directives and rules too restrictive and caused additional costs that they otherwise would not have.

Fender, don't waste your time trying to convince the diehards here! Instead, if you could just worm your way into the boardrooms of Ford, GE, IBM, Goldman Sachs, Rolls Royce, Burberry etc, you might just swing it for us.
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