IntelliSense Alarm - Randomly Going Off

20 Aug 2023
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United Kingdom
I am about to lose my mind with this IntelliSense alarm system.

I moved into my new flat about a month ago, and the first couple of nights in at 11:30pm the alarm started blaring (both at the alarm panel and another box outside in the landing). I had no idea how to turn it off, tried flipping the fuse switch which turned the inside panel off but not the outside alarm. Eventually a disgruntled neighbour appeared and after faffing around with it, disarmed it by entering 1 2 3 4 #.

A week and a half later, happened again at 2 in the morning. 1 2 3 4 # did the trick, and I went back to bed. 4 days later, at 4:30am, it happened again. 1 2 3 4 # did nothing, and I frantically mashed buttons for a solid 3 minutes before the beeping changed tone and slowed down, then the whole thing disabled with the original code.

There is a flat below me with a baby, and the flat opposite me with a scary Scottish woman - I am living on tenterhooks every single night hoping the alarm won't go off and ruin everyone in the building's sleep yet again. I am hoping there is a simple fix that will make me look like an idiot for not realising. Battery issues? A ghost? A song and dance I should be performing for it before I go to bed?

PLEASE HELP! Have attached a picture (after the last incident, the TPR light has come on). I'll be ringing the estate agent/building management company to see what can be done, otherwise I'm getting the thing removed ASAP and will use an intricate set of booby traps as a security system instead. I’ve looked at countless different threads and can’t make head nor tail of them, so please treat me like a layman.


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It’s a tamper fault ….possibly the external bell box …either get a local alarm company to look at it or down power the system if you’re not wanting it …
It’s a tamper fault ….possibly the external bell box …either get a local alarm company to look at it or down power the system if you’re not wanting it …
Wow, thanks for the prompt response! How would one down power the system? Will the alarm keep going off at certain intervals while the tamper fault is active or is it just random?
Maybe its safer for you to get an engineer in. However mains plus battery is usually how these units are powered these days, so you need to remove all the power.
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It is likely that the tamper fault will keep reoccurring until the issue is resolved. Your landlord/letting agent should sort an engineer out!
agree its a landlord to sort, as for the tamper fault, if the panel is down powered and it continues to reoccur then you need to remove battery from bell box aswell and then it cant possibly reoccur.

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