Johnson & Gove time to own up and tell the truth as the Leave Campaign accepts it broke the law

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom
So it's time now for Johnson and Gove to come clean and tell everyone what they knew about the illegal Vote Leave Campaign they were part of.

They held back their comments whilst the appeal was processing and now that has ended it's high time if these two seek the position of PM to show transparency.

"Gove and Johnson played key roles in Vote Leave, Gove as co-convener and Johnson as a figurehead for the official Brexit campaign. A series of other senior government or Tory figures also sat on its committee, including Liam Fox, Iain Duncan Smith, former Brexit secretary Dominic Raab and the former international development secretary Priti Patel."

That is Theresa May Lawyer confirming Vote Leave broke the law and the PM knows and is not bothered.
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Funny how the final admission of guilt comes right about the time Brexit was supposed to happen ;)

But I guess dumb quitters will be quick to claim 'fake news'...

And no doubt they'll be looking forward to being led by a person who has been shown to have committed/colluded with electoral fraud!
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Load of baloney & who cares ?

Transam gives not a jot , all politicians tell porkies or are economical with actual alatere

It would appear that some remoaners are un-aware of this fact :LOL: no surprise there than :LOL::LOL:
And no doubt they'll be looking forward to being led by a person who has been shown to have committed/colluded with electoral fraud!

And the exact same person will be leading you.
The hypocrisy from those who scream from the rooftops when the law is not applied or is soft are deadly quiet now.
The hypocrisy from those who scream from the rooftops when the law is not applied or is soft are deadly quiet now.
Yep, it seems that the 'brave new world' that quitters are eager to jump off a cliff for is to be built on lies/fraud/corruption and foreign money...

Not exactly a great start!
Wow if I'd known they were spending a few extra million quid on leaflets and facebook ads, that they weren't supposed to, I would never have voted leave! :eek:
Yawn whatever we voted leave, not leave and strike a deal with those crooks. The only people that are breaking or trying to change law now are all the MPS ignoring their constituents majority that voted and won the democratic victory of LEAVE and now trying to change law to prevent No deal and voting against anything remotely allowing us to progress to leaving the EU. Disgrace. That includes Corbyn who has been whipping anything against tories so he can play the 'the tories are incompetent' card so he can go for a GE, doesn't give a sh.. about the country either.
Yawn whatever we voted leave, not leave and strike a deal with those crooks. The only people that are breaking or trying to change law now are all the MPS ignoring their constituents majority that voted and won the democratic victory of LEAVE and now trying to change law to prevent No deal and voting against anything remotely allowing us to progress to leaving the EU. Disgrace. That includes Corbyn who has been whipping anything against tories so he can play the 'the tories are incompetent' card so he can go for a GE, doesn't give a sh.. about the country either.

No Dealers don't give a crap about the country either.

So your going to stick two fingers up at your nearest trading bloc and then turn around and say now lets sort out a trading agreement. Genius Move. Not
SirG - you are trying to reason with someone who thinks that it is against the law for MPs to debate and vote.
pro remain you will always be blinkered to the truth, its because you lost the vote you are ignoring what's going on amongst MPs who want to remain, you dont have the spine to admit it. I bet you reckon Bercow is your hero too dont you? And of course he's not bias in anyway, how many times now has he selected a meaningful vote to the public despite it failing each time.

Oh look now MP's instead of resolving are attempting to add a bill to prevent no deal, oh but look.. Speaker John Bercow said that, while it was "an unusual state of affairs", it was "not as unprecedented as he supposes" - citing recent bills on Northern Ireland that have been passed at the same speed. What a surprise..

That's fine we will crawl back to EU now they know we are their bitch, and give us even less concessions in years to come. No thanks. Im proud to be british not a shameful Xenophobe racist as many would imply.
pro remain you will always be blinkered to the truth, its because you lost the vote you are ignoring what's going on amongst MPs who want to remain, you dont have the spine to admit it. I bet you reckon Bercow is your hero too dont you? And of course he's not bias in anyway, how many times now has he selected a meaningful vote to the public despite it failing each time.

Oh look now MP's instead of resolving are attempting to add a bill to prevent no deal, oh but look.. Speaker John Bercow said that, while it was "an unusual state of affairs", it was "not as unprecedented as he supposes" - citing recent bills on Northern Ireland that have been passed at the same speed. What a surprise..

That's fine we will crawl back to EU now they know we are their bitch, and give us even less concessions in years to come. No thanks. Im proud to be british not a shameful Xenophobe racist as many would imply.

So you haven't a clue, not even bothered to articulate the benefits of leaving. It's always this same.

Walk into a GP and say to them you want to commit suicide, will they say well sure I can help you with that or will he be on the phone to the crisis team and trying to stop you.

What is the truth? Lets stick to facts.
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