The worst offenders are the 'professional' dog walkers that I see in the country parks that I take my dog to every day. There are a lot more now that lockdown has ended because of the lazy bastards that bought dogs in lockdown and now find they don’t have the time to walk them now they are back at work. They often turn up with 6 or more dogs and don’t pick up a single turd. I’ve had a go at them and reported them to the park rangers but I've never seen anyone apprehended by them. Kids walk in those places too. The first couple of hundred yards from the car park are the worse as that’s when generally, dogs do their business so there are bins to put it in but I have to keep my dog on a lead in that area (shît alley, we call it) as she is a scavenger and often has a munch on other dogs poo's. Yuk!
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