Line of junction notice

Hi Lisa, good to see you back.

I know I'm late to this discussion but I'll address what I can from your original post.

The letter you have received is concerning the Party Wall Act. You can find out specific detailed information HERE

Your neighbour does not get to decide whether or not they must appoint a surveyor. Under the Party Wall Act they must notify you - which is what this is - that they want to carry out work.

If you agree, then basically you are giving permission for them to do the work that they describe. If things are not clear you should ask for and be provided with drawings and details so that you can fully understand exactly what they are building.

Just a point here - what they are building is different to what was approved. When they applied for planning permission they were building a wall entirely on their land using eccentric foundations so that nothing would encroach on your land. This was to hopefully avoid an objection from you.

The wording can be confusing, but it sounds like they still want to build only on their own land but with standard foundations (which WILL extend into your land).

Although this is different from their planning permission, it is not a planning issue because it concerns the foundations and not the positioning of the wall. It WILL be a planning issue if the type of foundations necessary were noted in the permission under a condition. (I'll come back to this later).

Now, if you are not happy with your neighbours foundations encroaching onto your land then you can do one of two things:

1. nothing - in the eyes of the Act, a dispute will be raised, and party wall surveyors must be involved.
2. you can disagree / refuse the notice - raising a dispute, and bringing in party wall surveyors.

Now, given your neighbours changes, I'd do number 2.

You will be happy to know that you do not have to pay for any surveyors. Your neighbour covers the full cost. Pretty much can be a party wall surveyor, but they must be impartial. Your neighbour can pick his own, and you can pick your own. Often people will select the same person, because it is faster, cheaper and easier. But remember YOU are not paying anything. With that in mind you should go out and contact a party wall surveyor - any professional will be more than happy to do this, because they know that it doesn't matter about your financial situation, they must get paid by your neighbour - and it is more likely the neighbour will appoint them too!

Now, different surveyors may approach this in different ways and they will be able to advise you of the facts and details specific to your case. Three common outcomes will be;

1. the neighbour cannot build normal foundations on your land, they must use eccentric foundations
2. the neighbour will be allowed to build normal foundations on your land, and they will compensate you for the privilege (including access and potentially ground rent)
3. the neighbour will be allowed to build normal foundations and you wont seek any compensation - just that the surveyor ensures that the work is carried out without harm to you or your property (which also happens with the above).

(Another option, if you happen to be considering undertaking an extension yourself would be to allow them to build the wall astride the boundary line. This creates a new boundary wall which encroaches slightly on your land now, but gives you the right and ability to use this wall for your own extension in the future).

Notwithstanding all of the above, lets look at the issue of if eccentric foundations were put into the application on a condition. If your neighbour does not build these foundations then he would be in breach of his planning permission and you will be within your rights to issue a complaint to the planning department (but only once work was started or finished). They would open enforcement action against him which at the very worst (from his point of view) could result in him having to pull down the extension and rebuild it in accordance with his approval.

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Thank you Thank you!! can you be my friend forever!? I feel you have made everything a little clearer! Just a quick reply (as two children calling!) The eccentric foundations were not in the conditions but just in the report so is this more a suggestion than a 'fact'? He actually put himself as the independent surveyor which we have said no to (we haven't spoken for 4 years and have had boundary disputes spanning 12 years!) We wrote a letter saying no to him being impartial and the difference between the types of foundations and he didn't even know what an eccentric and protruding foundation was so how can he have a grasp of construction!? I will have a proper read of your post later and will ask more questions if thats ok. Thanks again. You have given me hope that there are some nice people out there :D :cry: :D

This is the letter we sent them in response to line of junction letter (was this ok??):

Firstly, we would like to say that we have written as we always like to put things in writing so you have the information to refer to later. We have replied immediately as so not too hold up your developments too much.
As I am sure you can understand, due to past issues, where we have found it difficult to concur, we feel it would be more appropriate it have an independent surveyor.
Further to this we would like to take this opportunity to clarify some issues. We were not sure who to send these to as there was no name or address on the cover letter we received on 12/4/2013, so if you can put in writing, or send this on to relevant person we would appreciate it.
(The easiest way is to bullet point it!)
1) On the Planners Report it stated you were having eccentric foundations to ‘avoid overlapping boundaries’, but in The Line of Junction Notice it refers to ‘projecting footings and foundations on your (our) land’.
2) The line of Junction Notice refers to ‘removing existing timber fence line’.
A) Is this all the fence or a portion of it? As you can understand our children’s playhouse is just the other side of the fence so we have concerns for their safety and the safety of the area.
B) How long will the fence be out? We would like it reinstated as soon as possible, or safety measures putting in to make the area safe and secure for our children.
c) If the entire line of hedge/fence is being removed we would like to discuss having a wall added instead of reinstating the gravel boards.
3 ) In The Planner Report it stated ‘the downpipe is shown as retained... and the extension appears to be inset sufficiently to avoid affecting its out flow’. Due to this, and talking to the planner at the time, we assumed this meant that the works would not be carried out on the party wall as they were inset from this area.
We hope you can answer our queries! We would appreciate your response in writing.
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one thing im not sure youve mentioned before is if the fence (that will make way for the wall) belongs to you?

if this is theirs then they are under no obligation to retain a fence at all.

if it is yours they need your express permission to touch it but would only be required to return it as it was (unless additional payment was made by you to pay for a better one,

Of course, a third option is that it is actually jointly owned. You may be able to "barter" for a more attractive fence as compensation? Again, you should speak with a party wall surveyor as soon as you are able to.

I'm not sure your location, but if you are around london, or herts / beds then I may be able to put you in contact with a surveyor I know. (you can feel free to pm me if you want his details)...

:eek: erm... tony1851 is going to have a field day with this! lol! disclaimer: I'm also happily married
Yes the fence is ours. It supports our patio that is higher than the neighbours garden. At the furthest part from the house (3 panels) its about two gravel boards higher, then goes to being level nearest the house. Hence the worry of them taking them out for a long period of time. i can see the childrens play house doing a landslide!! we weren't able to put a wall in as the neighbours had a hedge and we have no boundary markers so took this as a quick fix until we could get access. We also already have an extension (built before we arrived...hoping not by a cowboy!) but it is set away from the party wall, i think by at least a brick and a half, the other extentions in the road are done this way too, which is something we bought up to planners but they didnt seem to think this was due to any reason.. We are not sure if whole hedge/fence coming out though. we are in the Midlands, near birmingham. We haven't managed to find a surveyor yet. What do I look for? Is the title party wall surveyor or something else?

Glad to see you too are happily married! Nice to see there are happy people out there.
Yes, you are looking for a "Party Wall Surveyor".

Remember, you can pick anyone you want, it's on your neighbour!

You will often find party wall surveyors as part of other firms too - such as surveyors or engineers offices.
Yes, you are looking for a "Party Wall Surveyor".

Remember, you can pick anyone you want, it's on your neighbour!

You will often find party wall surveyors as part of other firms too - such as surveyors or engineers offices.
Right, thanks thats my next thing to look up :)
Just a quick question. Do we give our nieghbours the name of one party wall surveyor or a few? I really dont mind who does it as long as we know they are not in cahoots with the neighbours! (or is it best to talk to surveyor ourselves?)
We have found ourselves a impartial surveyor. He told us to fill in the dissent form, adding his details, and send it back to the neighbours. As we couldn't find where to write it we asked if he could read through all the stuff and tell us where to fill in, so not to cock it up!! It only turns out the paper work is void as it hasn't been filled in correctly which is why it doesn't make any sense!
Thank goodness for the impartial surveyor who is now taking over and removing some pressure from us. I am slightly worried about the reaction of the neighbours when they get their letters, as I hate confrontation but we have no positive relationship with them so in the long run it cant be much worse than now! If I go missing though, tell them to check under their foundations!
Thanks for all the help on here as ever x

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