Manchester To Blackpool Bike Ride

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
I did this in 1989. To mark the 20th anniversary, I'm doing it again this year. Tomorrow.... :eek:

Wish me luck, strength and anything else you think I may need to cross the finish line.

It's 62 miles, BTW!
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Wish me luck, strength and anything else you think I may need to cross the finish line.
Trade your bike in for the motorized bike :D

I was going to do London to Southend but not really done any bike training exercise, 59 miles

Eat a high carbohydrate meal before your race and no protein or dairy plus plenty of water, I think you know about foods ;)

Good luck

ps: more carbohydrates after the bike ride
My wife did this ride every year until about five years ago, picked her up in Stanley park looking like an half frozen drowned rat.
The weather had turned nasty during the day and several never made it.
Last time she did it, poor gal :LOL:

Go Secure, Im rooting for you big fella, (from the comfort of the tap room that is :LOL: ).

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I am going to bed real soon - honest!!

This is a complex and costly operation: Mrs Secure's parents have a static near Blackpool. We have off-loaded the 3 boys with them at the 'van, along with car 1.

Tomorrow morn, we take car 2 + the bikes to the start point (Man U ground) and bike to Blackpool, meeting with the old fogies (I mean my lovely parents-in-law) on South Prom.

Then we return in car 1 to Old Trafford, picking up car 2...... :rolleyes:

I'm off for some shut-eye: will post tomorrow to let you know how I got on...
Good Luck Secure,
I'll think of you as I'm watching the Formula 1 with a beer in my hand! :LOL: :LOL:

Let us know how you do.
Top dog secure..wish i could do of this a personal quest or a fundraising event?
I'm back!! First, I'd like to say a huge thank you for all your kind, motivating comments. During my struggles up hills, these kept me pedalling!

JB42, it is both.

As I said, I did it 1989 and wanted to prove to my disbelieving wife that I could do it again. I did not train other than a 6 mile run out a couple of weeks back. :oops:

My time was far from spectacular (hardly surprising given the poor preparation!). The mileage turned out to be 65.9 and I took exactly an hour longer than Mrs Secure, at 7:34:00.

There were a few reasons for this!

1. I had a vomit break!!

For breakfast I had dry muffins with honey & porridge & plenty of water.

We didn't eat normal meals as such, but every 20 miles or so, we ate a carb bar and a banana and drank some isotonic drink and water.

Unknown to me, I stopped and took my 40-mile meal just before a long, slow tortuous hill, at the top of which I unfortunately rejected the contents of my stomach. :confused:

2. Despite having a special saddle to prevent depressed nerves & blood vessels in the perineal region, I suffered total numbness (indeed am still numb :eek: ) and great pain to my perineal region, so much so that I had to dismount and walk for a short distance before saddling up again.

These first two points you could argue resulted from my poor preparation for the ride. :oops:

3. Along the coast road approaching Blackpool South Prom, I came off after hitting a small patch of dry sand on the tarmac. This knocked my shimano gears out at the front & subsequently resulted in the changer pushing the chain right off the smaller of the three front cogs.

But apart from those incidents, I has a ball ('scuse the pun!)

The first 52 ish miles were great, but it was the last 10 that were tiresome, something I found last time, despite training well that time.

It wasn't just me, loads of cyclists told me after the ride that they all felt the last few miles were not smooth going.

I've got a picture taken by my eldest that I will post when I can find a way of transferring it from the moby to the PC.

Feeling good, despite my few aches!
Well done SS and Mrs SS.
Glad to see you back in one piece and hope you raised a fair bit of cash for your efforts.
2 miles to work and back each day is enough for me I'm afraid.

Once again, Well Done!
Thanks conny & Shy.

It was a last minute thing really, so I haven't got any sponsorship money yet, apart from £20 from me old fella.

So I'm going to go begging round family & colleagues, asking for sponsorship after the event. I'll show them my certificate & ask them to contribute!

It's in aid of Christies Hospital. As it happens, I am collecting my tips for a colleague whose wife has cancer, so any sponsorship I get from the bike ride will be added to that pot.

So far, over the last two years, I have raised £295.
Well done SS, a very worthy cause indeed.

Hope you manage to raise quite a bit.
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