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I'm interested in your belief that a man can be a woman.
And I am not interested in indulging you in your relentless campaign of truth denial.

I am not interested in engaging with you when what clearly drives you has nothing to do with you trying to learn about and accept the truth.

Every question you ask is disingenuous, and I am not interested in facilitating you in what you really want, which is to push your ignorant and bigoted binary-only fundamentalism.
And I am not interested in indulging you in your relentless campaign of truth denial.

I am not interested in engaging with you when what clearly drives you has nothing to do with you trying to learn about and accept the truth.

Every question you ask is disingenuous, and I am not interested in facilitating you in what you really want, which is to push your ignorant and bigoted binary-only fundamentalism.

JohnD 1 Nemesis 0
JohnD 1 Nemesis 0



Its OK, sillyfilly - I already know how incapable you are of doing anything properly, and how you care even less about that.

You dont have to keep on reinforcing your utter lack of point.


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Youll never know, will you, sat there with your nananananacanthearyou fingers stuck in your ears.
And I am not interested in indulging you in your relentless campaign of truth denial.

I am not interested in engaging with you when what clearly drives you has nothing to do with you trying to learn about and accept the truth.

Every question you ask is disingenuous, and I am not interested in facilitating you in what you really want, which is to push your ignorant and bigoted binary-only fundamentalism.
You are nuts.
And youve either failed to grasp what Johnd is really doing here or you are as much in denial of truth as he.
JohnD's belief is based on an ideological definition of binary sex.
It is not the up-to-date, modern understanding of medical science, legal and justice systems and intelligent society.
It is the view and attitude of an out-of-date, old-fashioned, prejudiced and uninformed un-intelligentsia.
JohnD has presented no medical scientific evidence to support his belief. He has relied on emotive, strawman and petitio principii arguments to promote his bigoted views about transgender people.
The way you all never stop talking about the same thing ... you must all be women!

well I am not

I cannot speak on behalf of others but I am def of the male sex :cool:
Pim will say that is because, today, you "feel" that you are Male. But tomorrow, might be something entirely different.
Pim will say that is because, today, you "feel" that you are Male. But tomorrow, might be something entirely different.
JohnD has now gone beyond the 'altering someone's quote', which he has already done. He's reached the point of claiming he knows what his adversary is thinking and about to say, and asserting his adversary's argument.
The depths that some will sink to present their bigoted, emotive, unscientific, ideological viewpoint.

The discussion is no longer a debate. JohnD has reduced it to a contest on who can make the most outrageous allegation.
For the umpteenth time, they do not turn into a woman, they consider themselves already as a woman.

Yesterday, my cat "considered" that she was already an owl.

Who knows what Transam will "consider" themself to be tomorrow?
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