NHS, what should and should not be treated.

Another made up number from your crystal ball?
The number is irrelevant, its tiny......as confirmed above.

You want brexit which has no known benefits whatsoever. Did you decide using Tarot cards.
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I've got a friend who considered herself quite overweight and tried all kinds of diets to reduce it. Her normal doctor told her she was clinically obese and sent her to a dietician.
During a chat with the dietician she mentioned about a pain she gets after eating even a moderate meal. Dietician referred her for s scan of her stomach area to see if there was something amiss. Lady who did the scan couldn't find anything amiss in said area so asked if she could scan a bit lower down. Friend agreed and was horrified when the radiologist said she was not fat, she had a massive growth on her ovaries! The growth appears to be a fluid filled cyst and pretty certain it is non cancerous but further tests will hopefully confirm this diagnosis. She has gone through hell over the past few years wondering why she was putting on weight but ate moderately and thanks to a curious radiologist now knows the reason.
So, the moral of this story is, just because someone looks overweight don't assume they are always eating junk food/not exercising etc.

Ooof thats tricky, my ex gf had a friend like this she apparently had polycystic ovaries which includes symptoms of weight gain, but she spent 2 weeks with us whilst her flat was reno'd. And Fck me she put some food away, when i was training hard i was putting away 4500 calories a day and she was up there with me at times without any training. The classic input+calories burnt=calorie consumption was way in excess of her sensible daily allowance, which is why she was a right fat munter.
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""""""Figures obtained by The Sun under Freedom of Information laws show 2,016 people had tattoos removed since 2010 at a cost of £330,182. However, the true cost is likely to be much higher, as many trusts did not provide breakdowns of the reasons for laser treatments.""""""...oh dear!..Gal wrong again.

£300k over 6years.

The government spent £100m on brexit ads over 6 odd weeks.

You just proved how the issue of tattoo removal on the NHS is another red herring which RWR gobble up.

The cost of Mckinseys is way more than that.
£300k over 6years.

The government spent £100m on brexit ads over 6 odd weeks.

You just proved how the issue of tattoo removal on the NHS is another red herring which RWR gobble up.

Whats an RWR SirGallylad or you still not got the cojones to explain it, are you still talking to me, are you relaxing now?
Whats an RWR SirGallylad or you still not got the cojones to explain it, are you still talking to me, are you relaxing now?

Search on here, I wrote it down. I hope your search skills have improved.

RWR - loads on here.
Search on here, I wrote it down. I hope your search skills have improved.

RWR - loads on here.

I asked Alexa it said Radar Warning Receiver i'm not sure that's right is it?

Are you ok, you sound a bit stroppy still, it's only a forum remember.
If the NHS was a business it would have went bust years ago... They need to stop chucking money at it and replace the dead wood with people who know how to run a business.

I had my ears pinned back at 12.
I had my ears pinned back at 12.

A mate of mine from schooldays who's dead now bless him had that done when he was in his thirties, had it done privately for a couple of grand.
After a few pints in the pub we'd end up singing Simply Red's 'holding back the years' to him.
If the NHS was a business it would have went bust years ago... They need to stop chucking money at it and replace the dead wood with people who know how to run a business.

I had my ears pinned back at 12.

Enough with your simplistic solutions. The Government runs a deficit, should we replace that with a business ? What happens when it goes bust? Anarchy?

Stick to breathing.
Stick to breathing.


to focus your attention on your breath Inhale through your nose, then open your mouth and exhale slowly, making a “HA” sound. Try this a few times, then close your mouth, keeping the back of your throat in the same shape you used to make the “HA,” as you exhale through the nose.
the ironic (or sadly funny) fact is that the older people who support the tories keep voting for cuts to public dervices and the NHS;

"Cuts" to the NHS budget is a myth. There are never any cuts; NHS spending increases every year and never goes down. What is killing the NHS is increased demand...and what is causing the increased demand is IMMIGRATION. Don't believe me? Just take a walk through any hospital or health centre in the country.

(Feel free to call me a racist btw.)
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