Novice Texecom Veritas Excel Install

Brilliant thanks for all your help. I'll check it all over during the next couple of days.
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Got to the bottom of the problems. It was the least expected result! It turns out it is a break in the cable. Three separate occasions and all the same (red) strand. I'm glad in a way, that it proves I could actual wire the thing up properly and it probably would have worked first time if it didn't have the dodgy cable. A bit of a pain to strip the three bad ones out but at least it is a bungalow!
you using 6 core?

so you don't need to take out the cables, but rearranging them for eol is a possibility, unfortunately without an LED keypad you cant use the 2k2 4k7 (unless that's been set to the default value, and you would be using 22k and 10K as supplied with the panel.

The question is which do you think is easiest for you? the advantage of eol is the tampers will show up on the zone, which will make things easier in future.
you using 6 core?

The question is which do you think is easiest for you? the advantage of eol is the tampers will show up on the zone, which will make things easier in future.

Is this true on the Excel panel? I have this panel but I did not think that zone tamper faults appear on the zone but still as a global tamper? I may well be wrong (usually am) but I would like this on my system if possible
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The Texecom r8+ and excel panels are capable of EOL.

Depending on there age will depend if the can only use 10k and 22k
The modern panels are capable of 2k2 4k7 like the premier.

Unfortunately the last time I checked the excel panel couldn't change to 2k2 4k7 as the menu isn't accessible through the lcd keypad but is through the led keypad.

Menu 03 options 2 and 3 on gives you EOL
Menu 30 only on led keypad can change between 10k 22k and 2k2 and 4k7.

It would require changing the wiring, ie remove the tampers from the device, link out the global tamper, setup the wiring to use eol, and select the correct resistors or insert manual the correct ones ie 10k and 22k are unlikely to be available in detectors, however you can usually select an option to use your own values.

All this is in the lasts installation manual, I believe the changing of the resistor values is in manuals from INS045-13 prior to that they wouldn't have the change values available.
I think my panel is too old - about 6 / 7 years old. I know the EOL resistor values are odd and could not get contacts with built in values for the Excel.

I would guess that the latest Excel panel can report EOL tamper on a specific zone. Mine does not I don't think. I think this was a feature of the Premier panels.
the default value in menu 30 is for the old 22k 10k option option 2 required for 2k2 4k7
eol tampers do and always have reported on the zone.

a long time ago there was the odd pir that had 10k and 22k option don't know if any do now, but you can usually add your own and set the device double pole and wire in the resistors.

The r8+ and excel were supplied with resistor packs so you could manually add them.

all excel and R8+ panels can do eol from memory and certainly panels of your age will (I have a manual dated copyright 2000-2003 and the eol feature was in the list).
Your panel probably missed out slightly with being able to have the option of switching the values even with an led keypad.

Think its version 3 and above that has the new option in but easiest way to check is for menu 30 on an LED not LCD keypad if it exists your in luck, if it has glass fuses on the board it definitely cant swap the resistor values but should be able to add the 10k and 22k ones.
you using 6 core?

so you don't need to take out the cables, but rearranging them for eol is a possibility, unfortunately without an LED keypad you cant use the 2k2 4k7 (unless that's been set to the default value, and you would be using 22k and 10K as supplied with the panel.

The question is which do you think is easiest for you? the advantage of eol is the tampers will show up on the zone, which will make things easier in future.

Ah, now I see the benefit of EOL, but still a bit over my head! Plus I'd have to re-wire the other 5 good zones. I've already taken the two easiest wires out. The door sensor will be a bit more tricky, but hopefully be able to tape the new wire onto the end and pull it through ok. Thanks again, really appreciate it!
you wouldn't have to rewire as such.

1. the good zones, just remove the tamper wires from the device, move one wire from the alarm terminal to the tamper terminal, put in your resistors.

2. on the damaged zones, remove the damaged cable, use one of the tamper wires to complete your circuit at the device and remove the bad cable at the panel and put that tamper wire in.
put in the resistors.

the hard bit is running the cables from one end of the house to another, now your just picking good wires that you have left to compete the circuit.

Your auxiliary tamper can be just linked out and the tampers that are no longer being used isolated(don't want exposed ends in the panel risk of shorts).

The other main advantage is when you get a bell tamper, it would be from the bell, and not possible the bell or the global tamper circuit.

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