Oil running out?

All that will be left of the Earth will be in the hands of the meek whether they want it or not.
Do you believe that cos it says so in some old book?
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That would depend on the books but in general, they're certainly a lot better informed.
How can the greatest challenge ever to hit mankind be boring? Your children will die penniless and starving. How is that boring? Maybe you dare not look into the abyss?

Oh and Thermo? I see that you didn't even read the article. C'mon mate - get your head out of the sand.

How do you see the global situation panning out? More importantly, what will happen here in England (in your opinion)?
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In england I reckon we'll pay hundreds of pounds for a drop of petrol
We'll probably have to pay about four times as much as the yanks do, as usual. :evil:
We will develope the clockwork car / train / bus...stored energy, everyone gets a turn to wind up the spring.
Trevor Bayliss invented the clockwork radio...why not a car? :LOL: :LOL:
In the years ahead, wars will be fought over oil and fuel as the oil-dependent superpowers struggle in vain to preserve our unsustainable way of life.
We are entering a period of great change and there will be difficult times ahead IMHO.
The process has already begun. Students of prophecy will be familiar with certain relevant verses from Christian scripture concerning the signs of the end times (Matt. 24.8; Mk 13.8, Rom. 8.22; Rev. 12.03, 21.1-4). As it was translated in 1961 in the New English Bible: "With these things, the birth pangs of the new age begin" (Mt.24:8; Mk.13:8 )
Whether you are religious or secular, you should be aware that the tide of history is turning.
no different to whats gone before and man will adapt and life will go on
no different to whats gone before and man will adapt and life will go on
Don't know about that, since the industrial revolution the developed world has never had to face up to running out of fossil fuels. Now with all of the developing countries wanting their share of an ever decreasing resource, things are bound to get tight sooner rather than later.
no different to whats gone before and man will adapt and life will go on
Don't know about that, since the industrial revolution the developed world has never had to face up to running out of fossil fuels. Now with all of the developing countries wanting their share of an ever decreasing resource, things are bound to get tight sooner rather than later.

Necessity is the mother of invention ... Until we need to do something we often never do it ;)

Life will find a way, new technologies will be discovered/developed and humankind will evolve.

And as for Joe's "laws of science" nonsense ... Our current physical "laws" were established by humans from a hypothesis made by humans and are only true whilst we continue to be constrained by them. The same "laws" stated at one point that the smallest thing possible was an atom ... Until someone else proved this to be untrue.

At some point we will evolve and may discover that E is not equal to MC squared or that V does not equal I * R and, as a consequence make new lepas in areas of science never thought possible by today's archaic standards.

It's called evolution Joe ... Read all about it you may be surprised :LOL:

well, there is a slightly different slant on this admittedly rather protracted and oft revisited subject. The main problem with oil running out is not to do with energy, which frankly using oil to produce is criminal, it's that oil is an extremely useful chemical soup used to produce all sorts of stuff. But I'm on the optimists side, yeah things will change, going abroad will be an adventure again, stuff will have to be made out of sustainable materials such as wood. World populations will have to change, either by our doing, or nature in it's infinite wisodom will force that upon us. So yeah life will change, but the one thing about human kind is we are adaptable, it's why we are supposedly top to the tree.
no different to whats gone before and man will adapt and life will go on
Don't know about that, since the industrial revolution the developed world has never had to face up to running out of fossil fuels. Now with all of the developing countries wanting their share of an ever decreasing resource, things are bound to get tight sooner rather than later.

Necessity is the mother of invention ... Until we need to do something we often never do it ;)

Life will find a way, new technologies will be discovered/developed and humankind will evolve.

And as for Joe's "laws of science" nonsense ... Our current physical "laws" were established by humans from a hypothesis made by humans and are only true whilst we continue to be constrained by them. The same "laws" stated at one point that the smallest thing possible was an atom ... Until someone else proved this to be untrue.

At some point we will evolve and may discover that E is not equal to MC squared or that V does not equal I * R and, as a consequence make new lepas in areas of science never thought possible by today's archaic standards.

It's called evolution Joe ... Read all about it you may be surprised :LOL:


We are already at the brink - we need it NOW - but there is nothing on the horizon. If we are going nuclear - then we should be building hundreds of reactors NOW. They take 15 years to build so what are we waiting for? Sooner or later the Saudi government will be overthrown just as Iran was. Then what do we do?
well, there is a slightly different slant on this admittedly rather protracted and oft revisited subject. The main problem with oil running out is not to do with energy, which frankly using oil to produce is criminal, it's that oil is an extremely useful chemical soup used to produce all sorts of stuff. But I'm on the optimists side, yeah things will change, going abroad will be an adventure again, stuff will have to be made out of sustainable materials such as wood. World populations will have to change, either by our doing, or nature in it's infinite wisodom will force that upon us. So yeah life will change, but the one thing about human kind is we are adaptable, it's why we are supposedly top to the tree.

You can't be serious about using wood. It's laughable.
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