Perks of the job?

"Nature/Nurture argument is about hereditary characteristics, "

Certainly not in my experience as a foster carer, it's about how we bring up children and how they obtains their values and our ability to impact on them.
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Yes, of course Foxhole. Sorry, I was referring only to the nature side of the debate.
That debate being about how much nature (hereditary factors, i.e. biological determinism) or nurture (how they obtain their values, etc, i.e social determinism) influence a child's development, personality, character, performance, susceptibility, etc.

But in counter argument to Doggit, there is no gene that determines promiscuity. To claim that we are hard-wired to be promiscuous is to confuse several different biological/sociological/psychological threads and infer the wrong conclusion.
The evolution of species is more than capable of filtering out unhelpful biological determinants, or, conversely, promoting advantageous determinants.
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Surely that no longer applies to humans in advanced western countries.
A completely side and irrelevant issue. I was more concerned with countering Doggit's assertion that promiscuity is 'in our genes'.

Although I am intrigued that you think that evolution, biology, sociology and psychology only applies (or no longer applies) to 'humans in advanced western countries.'