Picture of the week!™

31 Mar 2006
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United Kingdom
Well folks, it's that time of the week again!

Sorry about last week, I was having issues :evil:

This week we have a brass light switch in a domestic property.


This is the first in a series of photos.

Tune in next week for the next installment :LOL:
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Screwits, nice! Is that porcelain? If so, aren't they now outlawed?
No earth to backbox which looks to have two adjustable lugs but more worryingly no earth to the brass facepate.
Lack of identification on switch wires.
The taped up black conductor should also be sleeved as green/yellow and terminated to earth.

It always annoys me when people can't be bothered to properly clean out a backbox from plaster and debris before second fixing :evil:
plate fixing screws incorrectly fitted

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Is that terminal with the grub screw missing occupied?
No, it is a spare terminal.

The thing that gets me about this is it would have been so easy to wire it properly, and as it was, it is so wrong, and completely unsafe.
I also think that's about the most outer sheath I've seen on a cable entering a switch!
The taped up black conductor should also be sleeved as green/yellow and terminated to earth.

Just out of interest, why should it be earthed? I take it that black is not in use and not live :) And why has it been wired in that way, so the black isn't needed :?:
Length of the fixing screws, suprising they did not hit the cable.

like the way you store the screws, never seen that done before.
Reminds me of those Sixties lighting circuits that were never earthed anyway - but had brass fitings throughout!!! :LOL: :LOL:
Also I'm surprised the dimmer fitted with the vertical lugs in place.

Thought it had a dimmer module on the plate...

I always like to bend back the unused lugs on a switch box, regardless of what I'm fitting.
How comes the Yanks can get away with using so many of them screwit majigs? Makes me cringe when i see them being used!

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