Picture of the week!™

31 Mar 2006
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United Kingdom
Well folks, I thought it fit to resurect this once great legacy having seen a few 'interesting' things this week.

Doing some work in a school, I spotted this feed for the fire alarm


The original and still the best Picture of the week!™
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Things wrong with it:

1)Old pyro reused and rerun to new cu lower then old cu was so pyro not long enough

2) Pryo not correctly earthed, earthed with earth strap instead of earthing nut

3)Plastic cu used insted of metal one, so equipment used which is not suited for its invironment

4) Cover not fitted correctly on cu

5)Corroison on pyro gland so earthing strap will not have a good contact for earthing

6) Cover on plastic trunking not on fully as cables are pushing it off
A typical case of a domestic spark changing a fuseboard in a commercial environment.
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I hope not. I think I've worked in every school in Otley, and with the exception of the secondary school, they all have pretty good wiring :)

This was at a private school in Bradford.

No, not that one, but just round the corner from there ;)
Been there a couple of times many moons ago.

Looked a bit ramshackle back then. Still is, if your picture is anything to go by.
It's okay know it now!!!!! Yes been in there when teaching at a certain catholic boys school.

not entirely suprised

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